04 July 2015

Rotten Apples, fraud, deliberately concealing vulnerabilities

Can you really trust one of U.S's largest government sponsored surveillance corporation Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: APPL)?

A company that:

  • uses professional trader's information for its financial benefit, via the inbuilt 'Stocks' app?

  • tries to deceive its users AND (deliberately) not fixing the security holes in the operating system.

One way that works is to 'vote' with your wallet, i.e. not buying ANY Apple products.

Note: The blog Corporate Australia does not recommend the use or purchase of Apple products, which have deliberately designed 'back doors' for government agencies to covertly spy on the users.

From the news.com.au article of 18 Jun 2015 under the headline:

Security exploit leaves Macs, iPhones and iPads vulnerable

Appleā€™s TouchID is still uncompromised.
Apple’s TouchID is still uncompromised. Source: AP
BOTH your Mac and iPhone have major security flaws that will allow hackers to steal passwords, including bank log in details. Despite knowing this since October, Apple is yet to fix the problem. 

This comes just a day after it was revealed Samsung’s Galaxy devices had a big security hole in its keyboard app.

Researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology and Indiana University claim that the weakness lies in the ability to crack Apple’s Keychain service which stores your passwords on your iPhone, iPad or Mac.

The team allegedly reported the security flaws to Apple back in October last year, where the company said they understood the seriousness of the holes. Apple asked the researchers to give them six months to fix the exploit before they made it public, yet 8 months later the flaws are still there in the latest versions of both Mac OS X and iOS.

The scariest part about it all is the process in which they compromised their test devices.

They were able to upload malware riddled apps that exploited the vulnerabilities to both the Mac App Store and iOS App Store, and even with Apple’s screening they were approved for the store.

A wide range of both iOS and Mac apps were tested for the exploit, and it was found that almost 90 per cent of them were “completely exposed”, which allowed full access to any of the data inside the apps.

While not confirmed, it’s believed that to gain login details, the malware forces users to log into apps manually where it then captures the information.

Until Apple has a fix for it, security experts recommend caution when downloading new apps from unknown developers, even if they are in the iOS and Mac App Stores. Also remember to be careful when you are asked to log in manually in apps that usually do it for you.

Apple has been contacted for comment.

Google classifies black people as gorillas, Australian government - Aborigines are flora and fauna

Could this be THE Freudian slip of the Century?

Has Google got some access to some hidden government  database on their classification of people, or is Google referring to it's own databases?

While Google has categorised (American?) black people as gorillas,

see illustration below:

the Australian government has classified its Indigenous Inhabitants or the country's Original people as flora and fauna, according to law, not some 'conspiracy theory'.

See document below in regards to Section 127 of the Australian Constitution.

Reference: http://www.vcaa.vic.edu.au/Documents/auscurric/sampleunit/1967referendum/aboutreferendum.pdf

For those who are not quite familiar with the terms, briefly flora is plant life and fauna is animal life.

The policies and actions of today's government / police force reflect the same attitude towards the Indigenous population as they did a century ago.

02 July 2015

One in seven NSW kids struggle with poverty, cost of living report shows

About one in seven New South Wales children are now living in poverty, research from the state's peak social service body suggests.

The Council of Social Service of NSW said its annual Cost of Living Report highlighted rapidly increasing living costs and worsening poverty levels among low to middle income families.

The council said governments should resist calls to increase the GST because so many families were already struggling.

The report, based on a survey of more than 400 people, concluded:
The situation is getting worse not only in Sydney, but across New South Wales, and for children.
NCOSS deputy chief executive John Mikelsons
  • 58 per cent of low to middle income families were experiencing housing stress
  • At least one in five low to middle income families could not afford a decent and secure home, a roof and gutters that did not leak or a separate bedroom for each child aged over 10
  • One in three low to middle income families in regional NSW could not afford dental treatment
  • The majority of low to middle income families were either "very" or "quite" concerned about being able to meet their current healthcare, education housing, grocery, car and electricity costs
The council's deputy chief executive, John Mikelsons, said power bills in NSW had doubled in a decade, while Sydney rents had increased by 60 per cent.

"The situation is getting worse not only in Sydney, but across New South Wales, and for children," he said.
He said many parents in low to middle income families were sacrificing the basics to maintain decent living standards for their children.

"Parents are going without meals, parents are going without medical and dental treatment," he said.

"And unfortunately they carry a lot of guilt about the fact that they can't afford the experiences for their kids like school excursions and fun parks that other families take for granted."

Mr Mikelsons said the report strengthened the case against proposals to increase the GST.

Coalition senator James McGrath recently told Parliament that the GST should be increased to 15 per cent and broadened to include all goods and services.

Business groups have also called for the GST to be increased.

"The first thing that can come out of this report is that the proposals on the table to increase the GST and apply it to food can be scrapped," Mr Mikelsons said.

He set the utility bill rebate for low income households should be changed from a flat rate to a 15 per cent discount.

abc.net.au 2 July 2015

This politics is deliberate or as we put it financial terrorism, where the 'authorities' do not give enough money for the working parents in order to support their family.

In the '50's and 60's one educated person, with a white collar job, could support the family, but today this is (deliberately) not possible.

The results are seen in order to destroy one of the strongest fabrics of society, the family unit.

All this is happening while the government brings in more slave labour in the form of 290,000 'students' in order to decrease the cost of labour to the corporations and businesses.

VicRoads officers routinely dodged speeding fines, demerit points: Ombudsman

Officers in VicRoads' transport safety division routinely granted colleagues exemptions from fines and demerit points for speeding, the Ombudsman has found in a new report.

And the report, by Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass, found that VicRoads officers often placed the public at risk by breaking speed limits in enforcement vehicles without using warning lights and sirens.

The report, tabled in the Victorian parliament on Wednesday, follows an investigation into a complaint referred to the Ombudsman by Victoria's anti-corruption commission, IBAC.

It was alleged that it was "normal practice" for VicRoads Transport Safety Services staff caught speeding in VicRoads vehicles to avoid a fine by claiming "unjustifiable exemptions".
"In effect, the allegation was that some VicRoads staff break the road rules with impunity," Ms Glass wrote.
Ms Glass said the investigation had revealed that some public officials were breaking the very regulations they were responsible for upholding and enforcing.

The Ombudsman has recommended disciplinary action be taken against two VicRoads staff members, and asked that other employees be better trained to prevent the practice continuing.

"People with the power to enforce the law and impose penalties on others must be held to the highest possible standards when it comes to their own conduct. It is a worrying state of affairs when those charged with enforcing the rules not only flout them, but have no qualm in doing so," Ms Glass said.

One enforcement officer interviewed by the Ombudsman as part of the report said that he routinely sped without lights or sirens "and that other officers also follow this practice".

This had highlighted a "culture of entitlement amongst VicRoads officers in Transport Safety Services to breach the legislation they are responsible for administering", the Ombudsman found.

 theage.com.au 10 Jun 2015

Another organisation with criminals in office.

01 July 2015

The Greek Financial Crisis for Dummies explained?

So in a nutshell, for the layperson, serf or pleb who may not understand what's happening in Greece.

Greece apparently racked up a (fictitious) debt with the IMF (International Monetary Fund), physical money the IMF never had, and a loan the organisation knew Greece would not be able to pay back.

As a result the whole place has gone bust.

The blame (by the corporate media) is on the Greek people being lazy, not paying their taxes, etc.

Diverting attention from a country a little more west of Greece where a figure of $16 million (approx. a decade ago) in aid per day is given from the just taxpayers of the United States of America, a figure 'gifted' to the 'chosen people' NEVER to be re-payed.

Are these people the real leeches of society that the corporate media never brings up to the attention of the 'plebs'?

How much is given from Australia's mining industry, for example from the tax free profits from the Australian gold mines to build communities on occupied land?

Why has Germany deliberately not repaid Greece the trillions of dollars it owes from World War II?

So what's Greece going to re-pay this fictitious debt with?

Will they be forced to pay it from their priceless artifacts, or is it about the Aegean oil???

The results will speak for themselves soon enough.

A DELIBERATE financial destruction of Greece.

The land of Poles is also on the hit list.

Denial of Justice - Australian Nanny State Style

Maybe one hard fact that the general populous may have trouble with is that in Australia, the laws are constructed in such a manner in order to enslave the masses even further as time goes on.

This is from the mentality of a government that considers its people inhabitants of a penal colony.

The new (unlawful) laws are brought in under whatever pretext the government (corporation conglomerate) sees fit according to the politics of the day.

At this point in time it is from 'terrorism' and/or 'family violence' whereas (distracting the masses from the fact that) paedophiles are let loose to roam free among the community, even housing them next to primary schools or kindergartens, for easier access (deliberate by design) to their next victims.

So in the police state of Victoria, the corporation (as of 17 Dec 2013) commonly referred to as Victoria Police (ABN: 44 598 947 546) is making up laws to bypass the course of natural justice as outlined in today's newspaper publication The Age in the article below:

Call to bypass courts on family violence.

Australia is considered a penal colony, with the policy of denial of justice occurring in the courts every single day, against the 'serfs'.

29 June 2015

What is the process of a guarantee of Justice in Australia

Many a solicitor, lawyer, barrister or QC that you may hire for your 'speeding' or 'parking' fine may advise you to pay it or "just pay it" as put by many a police officer.

Putting aside that: "..all Grants and Promises of Fines and Forfeitures of particular persons before Conviction are illegall and void. " from the active entrenched law of England called the Bill of Rights.

Another lesser known fact is that every single person has a guarantee of justice, as per Chapter III of the Constitution.

This has been confirmed by Bret Walker SC on ABC's Q and A show on the Magna Carta which can be sourced from youtube (341MB, 1hr 11m)  at the following address:


The Australian Constitution is contained within a document called:

An Act to constitute the Commonwealth of Australia [9th July 1900]

Within this document is a set of rules the government MUST follow.

The judicature MUST follow the rules as outlined in Chapter III  (Sections 71 - 80)

Chapter III (Sections 71-80) of the 'Constitution' is available for download at:


Source: http://www.aph.gov.au/~/~/~/link.aspx?_id=1A4B10F0E0C645D68D16DC6953E7CE52&_z=z

Download this document and take it with you to ALL your court matters.

NOTE: If ANY process has not been followed by the judicature with respect to your court matter, you have been denied justice in Australia.

Also note: That the actual validity of law (various Acts) in Victoria is put aside for the purpose of this post.

What is the first job of a government?

On the Australian television program Q and A, which is broadcast on the ABC's (Australian Broadcasting Commission's) channel, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Bronwyn Bishop, stated on national television (12m:17s into the program) that:

" The first job of a government is to look after the safety of its people".


If you substitute the words "a government" for a company's name e.g. 'Hanky Panky Cleaning Services', then it should be clear that the first job of that 'company' is to look after its (own) people.

Therefore there should be no misconception, that the first job of a government is to look after the safety of... its employees, that being the Executive; Governor Generals, the Parliament; MPs, lawmakers, the Judiciary; Courts, police, as the people/general population/serfs/plebs are NOT part of the 'government'.

How many actions do you know that have been done by the 'government' (corporation conglomerate) that have NOT been for the safety of its people?

See reference:

Form 29A - Notice For Discovery (Victoria) self litigants

A little known secret that the courts give you a hard time obtaining, is not just 'full disclosure' but rather a lesser known form called a NOTICE FOR DISCOVERY or Form 29A, which applies within the Magistrates' Court of Victoria.

Just to make it harder for the plebs it is not given to you, but rather instructions on how to compose it.

For some this may be a difficult task to achieve, so we have made it easy, based on current Victorian law, noting that the actual validity of those laws is put aside.

In a document called the


in a section called FORMS there lies the instructions how to create the form.

In a nutshell, Form 29A - Notice for Discovery is to look as Form 5A (Complaints) with the modifications as outlined in the subsection Form 29A.

The instructions in the current database at Austlii reside at the following address:


The form is composed in such a manner for a 'self litigant' to serve this form on the other party involved.

We have divided the form into two parts:

1). the 'letterhead' and
2). the other a rtf version (template) of the fields that are to be filled in.

Also a sample file has been included to illustrate the format required by the court.

See illustration below being a sample document:

See illustration below of the first printout being the 'letterhead'.

Download the file below (rtf format) to fill in the required fields:


Use it liberally in the places of business/trading/commerce commonly referred to as the 'courts'.

Government to crack down on private parking operators issuing fines

New law to stop shonky parking fines

State Minister for Consumer Affairs Jane Garrett outlines legislation to crack down on dodgy car park operators.

Private car parks will be unable to enforce fines they issue motorists with under a new piece of government legislation aimed at cracking down on dodgy operators.

The government will on Wednesday introduce new legislation banning private car park operators from petitioning a court to get access to a motorist's registration details and issue them with fines. These are often legally unenforceable.

Drivers will still receive fines slipped under their windscreen wiper, but if they don't pay, the private operator will no longer have an easy way of accessing their details to serve them with court action.

Private car park operators will soon find it harder to issue fines. Private car park operators will soon find it harder to issue fines.

The legislation mostly affects car parks that have been set up on vacant blocks of land, and are not surrounded by boom gates. The government anticipates most public operators will install boom gates to ensure motorists pay.

Council-operated carparks will be unaffected by the legislation.

Consumer Affairs minister Jane Garrett has drafted the amendment to tackle dodgy private operators who issue fake fines on official-looking letterheads and then use debt-collectors to pressure victims to pay.
"This legislation stops this practice in its tracks," she said.

"These private car park operators have been clogging our courts, wasting taxpayers' money and ripping people off and this measure is about protecting Victorians."

Many of the "fines" – actually notices for payment – issued by private car park operators have been found to be legally unenforceable by courts over the past few years.

Gavin Barrett had an infringement notice shoved under his windscreen wiper after he parked at a shopping centre car park in Box Hill. He claims that notice was wrongfully issued – and that the company, ACE Car Parking,  made his life hell ever since.

"They got their debt collectors onto me. I rang the debt collector who's name was on the letter and couldn't get hold of him. I actually made some inquiries and foiund out the guy does not exist, he's just a made up person.

He described the mooted legislative changes as "poetic justice".

"They have been annoying people with these incessant demands. It's about time the government started annoying them by stopping them being able to do that."

theage.com.au 10 June 2015

This action should have been done years ago, but the 'government' was too slow to act.

The government quickly passes legislation that allows extra speed/red light cameras, or to fine drivers where the funds are taken by the state.

The people behind the companies issuing the 'fines' should be criminally charged as this action is illegal, but will this really happen.

Italian mafia group linked to senior politicians, investigation reveals

Links between the Calabrian Mafia and senior politicians on both sides of Australia's political fence have been uncovered in a joint investigation by Four Corners and Fairfax newspapers.

The year-long investigation found the Calabrian Mafia, known as 'Ndrangheta, had used a number of well-known party donors to put a "legitimate public face" on its activities.

The 'Ndrangheta is one of the world's most powerful criminal groups and is thought to be one of the major players in the world of international drug trafficking.

In Australia it operates using threats and violence in both legitimate businesses, such as fruit and vegetables, and illegitimate businesses, such as drugs.

The investigation has revealed a series of contacts between known and suspected criminals and senior politicians.

On one occasion, a man with deep mafia associations met then prime minister John Howard and other top Liberal Party figures at a fundraising event. It is not suggested that Mr Howard knew of the connection.

The investigation has also revealed donors have lobbied on behalf of a mafia figure to a host of Liberal and Labor MPs over issues related to their businesses.

Son of alleged mafia boss did work experience at embassy

Four Corners can reveal the son of another alleged mafia boss did work experience at the Australian embassy in Rome while former Liberal minister Amanda Vanstone was ambassador.

Prior to his placement, Italian authorities were sharing sensitive information about the alleged mafia boss through the embassy.

Amanda Vanstone
While there is no direct evidence the embassy placement — which involved the man's son working in a clerical role — led to any actual security breaches, security agencies have described it as a major lapse.

Ms Vanstone, who is now retired from politics, is also at the centre of another episode uncovered during the investigation.

When she was immigration minister in the Howard government, she granted a visa for a crime boss who was later jailed for drug trafficking and implicated in a murder plot.

The man, who is the brother of a well-known Melbourne businessman, has an extensive criminal history in Italy.

He was set to be deported, but his family used its money and influence to conduct a lobbying campaign with some of the country's most powerful Liberal politicians — including Ms Vanstone.

Eventually in 2005, the man was granted a visa to stay in Australia on humanitarian grounds.

There is no suggestion Ms Vanstone acted improperly in either case, though confidential police assessments suggest it indicates her South Australian Senate office had likely been ingratiated by mafia figures.

Just a couple of years later, the man was implicated in one of Australia's largest ever drug busts.

'Lack of checks' in donations system leading to 'loopholes'

The report also details how "loopholes" in the donations system, and the long-running failure to reform it, continue to expose Australian politicians to potential corruption.

Through Freedom of Information laws, the investigation obtained a 2009 AFP report that described a "lack of checks and oversight" in the Australian political donations system as "significant" failings.

"As it stands, political parties and candidates can receive significant support and financial contributions through avenues not covered by the statutory disclosure regime," the AFP report said.

"Loopholes" in the oversight system mean it is "difficult to identify any bribery in the form of political donations".

The report states the Australian Electoral Commission has attempted to address this on many occasions, but that many amendments have not been passed by the Federal Parliament.

The document was written after an investigation into the mafia's fundraising activities.

Watch Four Corners — The Mafia in Australia: Drugs, Murder and Politics tonight at 8:30 on ABC. The program will also be available on ABC iView.

abc.net.au 29 Jun 2015

The Italian 'mafia' compared to other crime syndicates in government is child's play.

Still no mention of the Fabian Society or Freemasons.