30 June 2017

ATTENTION A remedy for an unjust law

Yesterday we posted the shocking legal reality that the people in government can nullify homeowner's land in Victoria, something that you may have been working for your entire life.

See link: Authorities to swindle your property while you sleep

If this does not raise ALARM BELLS in the corporate media, then the Australian population are being deliberately distracted towards their detriment.

In MANY instances the lawmakers have pushed through laws in Australia that are unjust / draconian  or whatever other words you care to use that may or may not be part of the Queen's English.

Fear not ye ol' faithful subjects of Her Majesty for not all is doom and gloom in the land of 'Corporate Australia'.

Irrespective of whatever agreements have been made with regards to this land (Treaty of Verisailles 1919, Balfour Declaration 1926, Lateran Pact 1929,UN Charter 1945, Unidroit Treaty 1973 and others, the authorities state that the founding law document of this nation, which is currently valid is something called the "Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900" (for short).

What the authorities hide from the people is that the people are THE highest authority in this colony constitutional Monarchy.

It is through deceit, distraction and lack of knowledge that the authorities have deceived the good people that they have no say or authority in matters what so ever.

Some people in this machine called government are waiting for your order / WILL of the people.

If you as an individual or a community have been RAILROADED by a dodgy law YOU have the power to change it.

"How?",  may ask the beer sipping migrant connoisseur whilst watching the ancient sport of Christian head kicking that progressed to something the bogans call 'soccer' or the fine learned entrepreneur calls football.

Through a "My WILL" letter to your MP, of course silly!!! (A sample contained within the booklet)


This is your last chance to act before Australia could become a republic via the vehicle called the Australian Labour Party, which realistically should be called the Australian Republican Party.


You can download the booklet (19 pages, ~400KB) YOUR WILL BE DONE, by Arthur A Chresby from:

29 June 2017

Authorities to swindle your property while you sleep



We have been privy to documentation detailing communications between a city council, bank and a law firm involved in the theft of cash from a customer's bank account.

The level of fraud, deceit, collusion, corruption and criminal activity (to the lay person) is almost beyond belief.

On the whim of a letter we have a bank giving permission to a law firm to fraudulently take cash out of a man's bank account.

The authorities sure do detest their slave population, so much so that they are taking action to take away the rights the slaves purchased to the land right from under their feet WHENEVER they please.

The idea is so that the peasants have no worth, zero collateral.


Transfer of Land Amendment Bill 2014

                        Introduction Print


Clause 8   inserts new section 27BAA into the Transfer of Land Act 1958.

           Section 27BAA provides that the Registrar may, by notice

           published in the Victoria Government Gazette, declare

           certificates of title or classes of certificates of title to be void and

           of no effect from a specified date.

           This new provision will facilitate the phasing out of certificates

           of title by giving the Registrar a discretion to declare particular

           certificates of title or classes of certificates void from a specified

           date. For example, the Registrar could declare void all

           certificates of title where the land is subject to a mortgage.

While this 'just' happened in the state of Victoria, think this is NOT going to happen in YOUR neck of the woods?

If you do NOTHING they just might sweep the very ground you are walking on right from under your feet.

NOTE: We do NOT recommend keeping cash in the bank.

We acknowledge National Federation of Independent Business for supplying this information.

27 June 2017

Government mislead motorists on camera fines - Contest every fine.

Warning: DO NOT PAY ANY speed / red light camera fine. CONTEST EVERY FINE!

  • How can the good people of Australia trust the people in government when the people in government misled motorists with regards to the operations of speed or red light cameras as a result of the WannaCry computer virus?

  • How can the good people of Australia trust the authorities when the true lawful status of a fine is hidden from the accused? 

  • How can the good people of Australia trust the people in government when evidence is withheld pertaining to one's matter of successfully being judged as "not guilty".

  • When you enter a court are you entering a court of competent jurisdiction, according to the law?

  • Does a lawyer really work for you when you hire them with regards to your fine?
(see post The criminal actions of lawyers? - How to test if one is really working for you )

So once again the people in government have tried to defraud motorists with regards to 'camera' fines, but their deception could no longer remain contained.

See following article:

26 June 2017

The anti corruption commission is corrupt

The people in authority have been misbehaving literally since they settled this land.

The 'motherland' called the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland had enough of the misbehaviour of the people in power, where they made a law called the Colonial Laws Validity Act in 1865, to "keep the bastards honest"

Do you think anything has changed? Yep! It's gotten 'worse' (for the slave population of this colony, and better for them, the people in power).

The people in power commit fraud, deception and other criminal activities against the good people of this land.

You cannot even trust the anti corruption commission as they too are corrupt.

Please note: Don't do anything about it, as EVERYTHING is going according the 'their' plans.

The Australian people are truly governed by criminals

You can read the article from the 22nd of June 2017 by abc.net.au of the headline;

New ICAC commissioners and inspector nominated, wiping slate clean at corruption watchdog

The New South Wales Government has nominated two new Commissioners and a new Inspector for the Independent Commission Against Corruption [ICAC], officially wiping the slate clean after one of the most bitter chapters in the organisation's history.

Barristers Trish McDonald and Stephen Rushton will join Chief Commissioner Peter Hall to form the new three-commissioner ICAC structure announced last year.

Bruce McClintock SC, who has conducted two previous reviews of the powers of the ICAC, will become the watchdog's new Inspector.

The ICAC's previous Inspector, David Levine, was involved in a nasty public feud with former Commissioner Megan Latham over the watchdog's ill-fated pursuit of crown prosecutor Margaret Cunneen.

The NSW Government radically overhauled the ICAC's powers and structures in the wake of the High Court finding it did not have the jurisdiction to investigate allegations Ms Cunneen tried to pervert the course of justice after a car crash involving her son's girlfriend.

When he announced the changes, then premier Mike Baird said they would "deliver a stronger and fairer anti-corruption watchdog".

But the Opposition accused the Government of using the restructure to effectively sack Ms Latham as retribution for her investigation into Liberal Party donations, which claimed the scalps of 10 Liberal MPs.

The new appointments must be approved by a parliamentary committee and signed off on by the NSW Governor.

25 June 2017

Australians love being governed by illiterate drunk criminals

You've heard the saying that Australia is at the ar$e end of the world, geographically speaking.

It also seems that they are at the ar$e end of the political and legal world.

It seems that any drunk or illiterate from the cesspool of society can become an MP.

It's been a long established fact that the MP's do not work 'for' the people but rather for the interests of corporations or their own private agendas.

The people in 'power' in Australia have been misbehaving for quite some time, to such a degree that the U.K. authorities had enough and enacted a law called the Colonial Laws Validity Act in 1865 in order to "keep the bastards honest" in this colony of the British empire.

As just one example, in 'our' time, the U.K legal profession has (officially?)  been shaking their heads in disbelief the legal bordello the Australian lawmakers are pushing through at least since the mid eighties (Australia Act anyone???).

In any event the Australian general population is very content with illiterate idiots re-presenting them (maybe that's a true representation of the Australian people), with MP's getting pissed and making decisions while drunk in office at the expense of the Australian taxpayer, and their representatives committing criminal activities of fraud against the tax payers purse.

Why do the Australian people love it?

Because their "silence is acquiescence", they do not care that they are governed by criminals, drunks or illiterates in positions of office.

On the global stage that does not look good for the good ol' Aussie does it ??? !!! ???

It just gives the people of the world the impression that Australia is FULL of bogans and f_ckwits.

The best part about it is that the politicians are laughing at every one of their 'slaves' that are supporting their criminal lifestyle.

AS they say "Australia the LUCKY country", but they never did say for who...