18 May 2021

Busted! Government stated false information on an alleged case

The Victorian government has been caught out stating false information in relation to an exposure site.

Social media users were greeted in the early afternoon of Tuesday the 18th of May 2021, with a message from the Victorian Department of Health that there is a new exposure site, in the CBD of Melbourne.

They were also given instructions on what to do.

There is one HUGE problem with this.

The fact is that there is no new exposure at any site whatsoever.

In fact there have been no alleged cases since the 7th of May 2021, or 11 days prior according to the site that reported that there is a new case today.

They blatantly lied.

The post has been reported to the administrators of the social media site, but we have very little faith that any posts from the Victorian Department of Health will be stopped, as ‘we’ that taxpayers are paying the social media site for this false information, where the site profits from every post from the VDoH puts up.

MANY a lesser person’s posts have been banned for much less of a so called excuse.

Skynet is live - the next step in ‘contact tracing’ Apple’s AirTag.

Apple and Google are a danger to your privacy where also the goal is to stamp out ‘anonymity’ on the internet.

The two companies are born into the five eyes, top tier global surveillance rĂ©gime, where ultimately your data ends up in various so called ‘government’ departments or whoever else they subcontract out to without your knowledge or even consent.

Technical experts have exposed the fact the Apple’s new Bluetooth product the AirTag can be hacked and used for nefarious purposes, but it’s not the privacy culprit it’s made out to be.

You are of zero use to corporations (e.g. Apple) if you only purchase their product once, or even once in 10 years, using the principle ‘if it’s ain’t broke, don’t fix it’, so they have an enormous budget set aside for marketing, to bedazzle consumers to purchase this ½ year model update where the in colour is purple and they must buy it in order to remain cool/tech savvy/modern.

Apple, the masters of marketing or rather deception, work on the human emotion of desire to sell their underwhelming and lacklustre featured phones, where they have established a huge following which in the industry is called ‘fan boys’.

Just because Apple’s advertisements talk about privacy does not really mean that they’re truly private.

What’s worse is the logic of Apple’s fan boys where a mindset is that gay users trust what Tim Cook says because he's gay.

One’s sexual orientation has nothing to do with the business or policies of the corporation.

Mainstream so called tech journalists are nothing more than flogs promoting the warez with zero in-depth analysis of the products concerned.

Apple’s AirTag is not the culprit, in the war against you privacy, where it’s only the half culprit, the enabler, where the iPhone/iPad is the other half.

Why is there such an oppressive push to purchase the new iPhone?

Newer hardware (and software) enables corporations and governments to acquire more data, more efficiently and best of all, at your expense.

With the new iPhone comes new software which is called malware within the industry as it’s embedded into the phone, tracing your every move, always turned on, where you as the ‘owner’ of the phone have zero control over that part of the phone's operation.

One of the key ingredients in this user sponsored global spy network is the humble invention called Bluetooth.

Gone are the days where this protocol could only communicate 10 meters or 100m, where now it can go as far as 240m (line of sight) and 40m inside.

The malware that Apple and Google have ‘baked’ into your phone carries out the constantly on functions of Wi-Fi scanning and Bluetooth scanning in order to trace your every move.

Your iPhone, is used constantly to log your position, where the AirTag is the trigger then your iPhone is used to pass data on, a total disaster for your privacy, irrespective of the claims that Apple may make with regard to encryption.

For Apple users there is no privacy solution, where if privacy is truly your concern (which it should be) then it would be followed by the action of ‘throwing away’ your Apple device.

For Android users, there is a solution that being to ‘de-Google’ your phone, which means to install the bare bones version of Android called AOSP, which can only be done on certain phones.

IF Apple were to claim that there is truly no concern with regards to your privacy, then show us the source code, as 'nothing to hide nothing to fear' saying applies, where the concern of 'Intellectual Property' is irrelevant.

With the use of Apple products you're enabling this 'Skynet' to exist.

See article, Flashback: a brief history of Bluetooth at:


See video, Apple Airtag the Snitch Network:

See video: Live - Apple Bots and Google Bots - The New World and Q&A:

17 May 2021

Google faces €100 million fine in Italy for “abuse of dominant position” of Android Auto

WAKE UP ACCC, you toothless watchdog!

A new release published by Italy’s Antitrust Authority calls out Google for its “abuse of dominant position” and fined Google for €100 million on the grounds that Google excluded Enel X’s app JuicePass, an app that helps drivers find and reserve spots at charging stations.

The case against Google is that the Authority’s investigation found Google excluded the JuicePass app from the Android Auto Platform for more than two years. “According to the Authority’s findings, Google did not allow Enel X Italia to develop a version of its JuicePass app compatible with Android Auto.

Italy’s Antitrust Authority issued a cease-and-desist order to Google with details on how it should respond in order to “stop the abuse and avoid the negative effects of the exclusion of Enel X Italia’s app from Android Auto.” Google is ordered to allow Enel X Italia on the platform, as well offer tools to other app developers who want to make apps for Android Auto.

In Google’s defense, the reason for why JuicePass hasn’t been approved for Android Auto is not mentioned. A spokesperson for Google Italy told Reuters that Google “respectfully disagrees” with the Authority’s decision. Google prioritizes safety on Android Auto and it has strict guidelines on which apps it supports, according to the Google spokesperson.

Meanwhile, Enel X is aware of the decision and hopes that the outcome will grant “a level playing field with Google Apps” for JuicePass and all recharging app developers.

Source: gsmarena.com

Google’s sneaky way to obtain more data from you

As time goes by, two of the world’s largest data collection corporations, Apple and Google obtain more and more data on you, where later this data is used against you.

One of the key ingredients with regards to data collection is to obtain your person’s identity.

Under the guise of security (an now allegedly heath), Google needs to obtain your phone number which is linked to your identity in order to collect more data under that identity.

How is Google going to do this?

By some things called:

 1). Two step verification (2FV),

 2). Two Factor Authentication (2FA)

To read more on this topic, see the following articles:

