14 October 2021

CONSUMER WARNING: DO NOT 'QR code' for supermarket payments.

Supermarkets are going to be offering another method of payment, that being via a 'QR code'.


QR codes are data gathering points not as secure as what is already offered via contact-less payment system with your smartphone even though it too can be compromised quite easily.

This is another ploy for corporations (Coles, Woolworths, etc) to gather MORE information from you, integrated into one easy action.

You have no oversight or control what data will be siphoned from your phone.

Australia, being a Tier 1 data gathering point, i.e. part of the five eyes global surveillance network, has on its agenda to collect as much information from the general population as possible, where now the focus is shifted to the population supplying this data and not the government or agencies actively pursuing it, i.e. huge cost savings.

See the federal government's warning regarding the use QR codes, within the headline:-

Federal Government Agency Issues Warning About QR Codes,

within the link:

13 October 2021

Australia Has Turned Into a Dystopian Police State

Australia is part of the five eye global spy net, where is also acts illegally against its citizens, with total impunity.

It is also a colony, where 'Penal Colony Policies' apply.

Welcome to the new Chinese communist state!

It's also becoming a warrantless state.

See video:

Australia's police acting like Nazis (above the law)

All part of the Penal Colony Policies we live under

The above headline illustrates that the police force is rotten to its core.

It's been compromised a long time ago.

In reality, there is no 'separation of powers' given the fact that many are part of the 'brotherhood'.

See video:

12 October 2021

The fascist police state of Australia

Australia has descended into a fascist police state, under something called rules, as opposed to factual law, i.e. pieces of paper called Acts.

Police act under dictation which is illegal, but that does not stop them, as the old saying prevails: 

"Everything is legal, until you're caught?"

See the following as described by "Mr.n0b0dy":

Good Police Does Exists! This Man Is A Honorable Police Officer Because He Serves His Community, not his ego or a forceful fascist government. 

On 21/09/2021, on my way back from the protest I was approached by an Officer in an unthreatening manner after he noticed I was taking record of the situation happening in Melbourne. Upon explaining Police actions before and during protests, he agreed some Police are acting unprofessionally and directed me on how to hold those Police Officers responsible for their Negligent of Duty in two different ways.

 (Note: Most Police Officers Never Mention IBAC when addressing you on how to report Police corruption, in fact they intimidate and treat their community as criminals for exercising their Lawful Rights during times of crisis).

 ðŸ§›‍♂️The government is Not your doctor, just as your doctor Never forces vaccination/s against your Free Will🙅‍♂️ 


I wish I knew this Officer's name, so I could Thank him personally. 


Mind the very late uploads, I am facing some problems in my personal life. Both from previous police unprofessional actions and refusing the dodgy government vaccine. 


Let's see how many Police will keep their Uniform after they're forced to take the dodgy jab from the government, this will be interesting because 40C "Winter" is around the corner.

10 October 2021

Got sacked as a result of an alleged government mandate?

In the colony called Australia, the authorities have gone feral with regards to actions that are not only unconstitutional, but also against 'human rights' and also other international laws.

Now all over the colony, employers are following (alleged) mandates that have no lawful basis for their existence, and firing their employees if a medical action is not taken.

Employees have been sacked from their jobs for not following this so called 'mandate'.

If you are one of those persons, then there could be a solution provided in the following 3 minute video.

For more information see: https://www.shatteringillusions.info/