10 November 2021

2 Lawyer's Explain Just How Dangerous The Bill Is

Please note that this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gn410FStyQA) has now (since before 21-Nov 2021) been removed.

See link to alternative source:


07 November 2021

'Voluntary' was always to be a mandatory action

People were lied to from both federal and state governments that a medical procedure was to be a voluntary action.

In the police state of Victoria, the 'mandatory' action was more pronounced.

At the end of the business day, one is forced, coerced and threatened if that person does not succumb to an injection of a trial drug.

Imagine if we didn't live in a democracy.

Would that mean people would get shot if they didn't succumb to that medical procedure?

Remembering that it's all about pro choice.

See document in above screenshot at:


Please note that no lawfully enacted instrument exists that states that a person must partake in a medical procedure.

If any reader has evidence to the contrary, please submit this in a comment to this post.