17 November 2022

Victoria Police Corporate Plan 2022-2023

Victoria Police, a 'corporation' or 'business' with a 'trading name' of "VICTORIA POLICE" is telling you it's prospectus for the financial year of 2022-2023.

MANY people consider this label of the police being a business/corporation/trading entity (POLICE DEPARTMENT (VIC)) a 'conspiracy theory', where even if you confront an 'employee' at a road side stop, you may be laughed at or considered mentally unstable or even labelled as a terrorist or more precisely a sovereign citizen (technically an oxymoron).

BUT, in reality the evidence is in the government's own documentation:

This is 'unlawful' as these 'entities' must be departments of the state, as per the Commonwealth Constitution, but that is another topic outside of the scope of this post.

Did you ever get an 'Infringement Notice' with their ABN (63 446 481 493), as required at law?

See the corporate plan:

Victoria Police want you to forget their (illegal, unlawful and criminal) actions

BUT they will not forget their unalwfully issued 'C-19' fines.

16 November 2022

Australia, the White Elephant project colony

The Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance was privileged to attend the recent launch in Brisbane of this very enlightening book. Brought to you by Connor Court Publishing and edited by David Gration, Bruce Kingston and Scott Prasser, White Elephant Parade catalogues some of the biggest, most unworkable white elephants across recent government policy.

Given our obvious enthusiasm for rooting out and exposing White Elephants wherever various governments try to hide them, we eagerly secured a copy - signed by all three editors - to give away to one lucky follower.

Simply fill out your details below, tell us about your favourite White Elephant and we’ll send it out to the best entry.
If you miss out, you can always grab a copy from the Connor Court website.

See: https://www.taxpayers.org.au/white-elephant-stampede

Hear: https://soundcloud.com/user-132698377/abc-612-brisbane-white-elephants-20221109

14 November 2022

The DARK side of VPNs

Corporate fraud at the highest level?

As always, follow the money and who owns what.

See video:

See also document mentioned within the video: