04 October 2024

The Great Aussie Motorist Fuel Rip-off!


Australian motorists have been getting ripped off by their government and the petrochemical industry for decades, where realistically nothing has been done about it and nothing ever will be.

All that will ever flow out of the government's mouths is lies.

There's ALWAYS an excuse, as in a war here or there.

Why not lay the blame on cow's flatulence or that there is not enough sunshine on the solar farms?

The reality is that the government being a 'stakeholder', profits from high fuel prices therefore it is not in the best interest for so called 'authorities' like the ACCC (Australian Competition & Consumer Commission) or ministers to intervene.

The fuel price shown above is from Melbourne a couple of weeks ago where it went up 45 cents or 27% in one day from approx. $1.65 per litre with zero 'real' reason for it.

It seems that motorists are quite pleased with that price hike, as their silence is acquiescence.

No mass 'protest' about this?

Obviously life is too good in the (penal) colony.

01 October 2024

Government corruption, false info by telco’s to upgrade your smartphone re: 3G shutdown

The Australian Government (™) is colluding with Australian telecommunications corporations to provide false information for mobile phone users to upgrade their smartphones as their old ones will not be able to be used after the #G network shuts down on Monday the 28th of October 2024.

MANY Australians have been deceived by the government and provided with false information by telcos to update their phones, in reality ripping off customers when not necessary.

An inquiry MUST be held where as a result the telcos are to be fined a significant amount, but since ASIC is corrupt to the core AND in collusion with the government that will most likely never happen.

Telcos know EXACTLY what device is connected to their mobile towers.

This data can then be supplied to government agencies in order for the bureaucrats to know how many users will be effected by the 3G shutdown.

Australian ‘consumers’ have (deliberately) not been informed fully of the consequences of the 3G shutdown, mandated by the government.

The 3G shutdown has greatly benefitted ‘stakeholders’ such as the AMTA (Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association) and profiteering from Australia’s tier 1 providers, i.e. Telstra Vodafone and Optus.

Australian ‘consumers’ also have been conned by the telcos to update their phone when in reality they did not have to.

Also this message from a telco states that the user must do a software update in order to use the phone, an action which may prompt fear into some non-technically minder people.

YET, another message regarding the same phone, states that no action needs to be taken.

Others have not been so lucky where they received a phone call in order to deceive the user, allegedly from their network provider stating that the smartphone they are using, will not be supported after the 3G shutdown date, even though it was purchased a year earlier from an ‘authorised’ Australian telco shop, so they have to purchase or upgrade their current plan with a new phone.

The corrupt Australian ‘authorities’ in action.

See also video by Hugh Jeffreys of the title:

Australia To Block Internationally Purchased 4G/5G Phones As Part of 3G Shutdown - Starting 1st Nov

EXPOSED! Government LIES on Misinformation and Disinformation Bill 2024

The authoritarian state called Australia is in full swing into 'Commie' (Communist) mode.

For those who are not ware of what Authoritarianism is, the description below may offer an explanation.

Australians and the world is deceived that we live in a democracy in this colonial outpost.

The goal of this 'Misinformation and Disinformation' law is not to stop advertising corporations oops 'social media' platforms from providing false information to their users, or even the 'public', but rather to stop people/general population/serfs/plebs from exercising their 'freedom of speech' a fundamental right in a 'democracy'.

In Australia, and other nations within the the FiveEyes global surveillance network, every person has a file on them, where their entire digital history is stored forever, and this information can (and is) accessed without any warrants in place.

In any event, the government has been caught out with this Bill, where there is no business case for it nor did the people require it.

But will there be any consequences?

Of course not!

Enjoy your journey to a totalitarian state.



