30 April 2008

England still sends it criminals to Australia - James Bulger case

Do you remember February 1993 in England , when a
Young boy of 3 was taken from a Liverpool shopping
Centre by two 10-year-old boys?

Jamie Bulger walked away from his mother for only
A second, Jon Venables took his hand and led him out
Of the mall with his friend Robert Thompson. They took
Jamie on a walk for over 2 and a half miles, along the
way stopping every now and again to
Torture the poor little boy who was crying
Constantly for his mummy.

Finally they stopped at a railway track where they
Brutally kicked him, threw stones at him, rubbed paint
In his eyes, pushed batteries up his anus and cut his
Fingers off with scissors. Other mutilations were
Inflicted but not reported in the press.

N.B. :- Remember, a 3 year old cannot possibly
Defend themselves against a 10 year old, let alone of
2 them.

What these two boys did was so horrendous that
Jamie's mother was forbidden to identify his body.
They then left his beaten small body on railway
Tracks so a train could run him over to hide the mess
They had created. These two boys, even being boys,
Understood what they did was wrong, hence trying to
Make it look like an accident.

This week Lady Justice Butler-Sloss has awarded
The two boys ( now men ), anonymity for the rest of
Their lives when they leave custody with new
Identities. They will also leave custody early only
Serving just over half of their sentence.
They are being relocated to Australia to live out
The rest of their lives. They disgustingly and
Violently took Jamie's life away and in return they

Each get a new life!

Australia still the dumping ground for Anglo convicts.

Wonder if the sentence would be the same if it happened to Justice Butler-Sloss' child / grandchild ???

1 comment:

  1. Jamie Bulger killer to wed

    Jon Venables was just 10 years old when he and schoolmate Robert Thompson lured James from a shopping mall and brutally murdered him in 1993.

    The pair took James more than 3km away to a railway line where they kicked him in the head and beat him with an iron bar. A CCTV image caught the chilling moment when they boys took James from the mall.

    The pair walked free from prison in 2001 and were given new identities in a bid to protect them from revenge attacks. A High Court order prevents their whereabouts from being revealed.

    Venables is now about to marry an office worker who has no idea of his true identity. He has also been advised never to tell her what he did as a boy, Britain's Daily Mail newspaper has reported.

    The paper has cited a report in The People which claims Venables has been dating an office worker for two years.

    The bride-to-be is reportedly "blissfully happy" ahead of the wedding, which is planned to take place in a couple of months.

    But she is also blissfully ignorant. The paper quoted a source who told The People that Venables had been urged to keep his shocking crime a secret.

    "Case workers have discussed it over and over but say he can't come clean with his wife-to-be," the source was quoted as saying.

    "If they split acrimoniously or she confides in a friend or relative who doesn't share her love for him, the whole thing could come tumbling down."

    Thompson is living with a partner who also does not know the truth, the paper reported.
    news.com.au 23 july 2007
