11 December 2008

US government reveals Multiple Kill Vehicle

The US government has released video of its latest weapon that looks and moves like the murderous Skynet flying droids from the Terminator movie series — and the name is just as menacing.

The Multiple Kill Vehicle (MKV) robot, built by defence contractor Lockheed Martin, is designed to be mounted to a carrier missile shot into space to take out enemy nuclear missiles.

The video shows the MKV using small rockets to hover and track left and right inside a special test facility at Edwards Air Force Base.

According to the Missile Defence Agency, during a ballistic missile attack a carrier with a cargo of small kill vehicles get in the way of any enemy missiles.

"Using tracking data from the Ballistic Missile Defence System and its own seeker, the carrier vehicle will dispense and guide the kill vehicles to destroy any warheads or countermeasures," a press release from the MDA stated.

Lockheed-Martin rival contractor Raytheon is also developing its own MKV.

The MKV is just a small piece in the puzzle that makes up the US's controversial missile defence shield, referred to as "Star Wars" when first announced by the Reagan administration in the 1980s at the height of the Cold War.

What began as the Strategic Defence Initiative in 1983 became the Ballistic Missile Defence Organisation in 1993 before being renamed the Missile Defence Agency in 2002.

President-elect Barack Obama has publically criticised the highly complex program, which will cost an estimated A$80.6 billion between 2004 and 2009, saying he would not "weaponise space".

ninemsn 11 Dec 2008

Excellent!! Team America World Police to the RESCUE.

Will they use this technology for :

A). Invading another country that hosts 'terrorists' in order for the financiers to gain control of the Oil reserves or (makes billions = good )

B). Use the technology to fight the violent decapitations by the drug cartels just south of the Texas border, that distribute DRUGS that KILL more Americans, than any external terrorists acts. (lose billions = bad)

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