13 January 2009

Public water a no no, you must go go

The much touted Victorian drought is nothing new.

It has been around in various degrees through most of the lives of its citizens. Every single decade has had some form of water restrictions.

In line with current (globalisation) guidelines set out by external forces, all public utilities (water, gas, electricity, public transport, telecoms – under the banner that it will be better for the public). MUST be in private hands, in a move which can only be described as ‘Money for Mates’.

The general excuse give is that the government is unable to run it cost effectively, therefore It must be given away to private hands.

From the smallest country to the largest economy, this must hold true. Australia is NO EXCEPTION.

One of the policies outlined by Victoria’s previous Bracks Government is the it will build extra dams, which was always done whilst in the Government’s hands, but this was contrary to the current trend of PRIVATISATION.

Bracks was then given a scenario, where his son was involved with the law, officially forcing Bracks to retire from politics. Key politicians children are targets once, the pollies become uncomfortable.

Since the privatization of Victoria’s Water, there has been an increase in population by approximately 30% with NO EXTRA services (dams or water catchments areas).

It is the deliberate inaction of every government that is responsible for the lack of water in Victoria.

Politicians are also screaming about this point for the same reasons as described, but they are quickly silenced, and not heard via the general media outlets that only a few people are in control of in Australia.

Victoria's much too late desalination plant will be in private hands, and Victorian's will pay dearly for water, as a result.

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