12 June 2009

RSPCA outrage over pig flying stunt

A Gold Coast radio station could face action from the RSPCA after attempting to make a piglet fly using helium balloons.

The RSPCA was inundated with complaints from the public and listeners after the Gold FM breakfast crew tied up to 200 helium balloons to the animal.

RSPCA vet Dr Anne Chester said the stunt defied belief as the animal was clearly distressed.

"Would they have done this to a puppy, a kitten or a foal - I think not," Dr Chester said.

"What on earth possessed station management?

"Why did they allow something so grossly inappropriate to go ahead?"

RSPCA senior inspector Daniel Young said the organisation would talk to radio station management and then decide whether further action was necessary.

"At the very least we expect the station to make a full apology and we will be checking on the welfare of the piglet this afternoon," Mr Young said.

Comment was being sought from Gold FM program manager Jason Matthews.

12 Jun 2009

Ground breaking news brought to you by the most trusted sauce (bbq) in the business.

The nation MUST stop for the arrival of the news of the welfare of the piglet.

It is blatantly obvious that it has the SWINE FLEW,

and at a later stage will be a pork roast on someone's dinner table.

Since in Catholicism ALL animals are created for mankind, one can do as one pleases.


  1. How shameful on the part of this silly morning show. This type of stunt should cost Jason Matthews his job. It certainly will cost the show some listeners. Shame on the Gold Coast FM program!

    Eve Bridger
    North Carolina, USA

  2. Gold FM should not be ashamed. It is RSPCA who should be ashamed because they jump on every opportunity to demonstrate how "powerful" they are. RSPCA Qld kill 12,000 dogs a year. They say they care for animals but only care for power and control. Circus animals are well kept and well rewarded for their tricks are happy and live long lives. RSPCA want to take this away from these animals. Dr Anne Chester will say what is necessary to get the outcome - fear of RSPCA power. Google "rspca corruption" or "ruth downey" to see ow evil RSPCA have become with their abuse of power.

  3. It is a shame RSPCA has to again demonstrate their CONTROL over all animals and treat us humans with their own perception. Most humans are sensible people with a sense of humour - not psychopaths like RSPCA personnel. I would think that radio FM would have done their research and taken every precaution. The piggy looked safe & certainly not stressed. Besides it probably had a good time with all the attention. Good on You fabulous Radio FM on the Gold Coast. Keep up the good work & ignore the squeaky wheels. HIP HIP HOORAY for freedom of expression.

  4. Poor Gold FM. Suppoting RSPCA is Supporting Corruption. RSPCA, a private business incorportated in dec 1999 has an Act of Parliament and Police Powers without supervision. How corrupt is this? Powers they can use to seize people's property and then fine them $heaps. RSPCA shot ruth Downey's cows and fined her $300,000. How did RSPCA corrupt government so much?

  5. Wow! Can a government really be corrupted by RSPCA? How did they do this and why??? Gee!!! There must be BIG BUCKS being handed around! Is this really true??
