17 August 2009

Poland on the NWO hitlist

Poland has a long and turbulent history, as it is placed geographically, between the political boundaries of the east, and west.

It was recognised as a 'country' towards the end of the 1st Millennium only after it became catholic.

It rose to an empire from sea to sea.

It ceased to exist as a country during World War II, being given to Germany, and Russia.

During WW II freight trains of gold ran from Russia to Germany to fund Adolf Hitler's World War II, and no matter what sort of government propaganda opposes this view, there are still people alive today that have seen this with their very OWN eyes.

Documents available today, show that the Bush family, together with banks such as J.P. Morgan, supported Nazi Germany.

In today's age Poland faces another threat, and that is one of total division.

United we stand, divided we fall.

As it has been done in the past with the area, great powers like Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, have been disassembled by the powers of the day.

It is in the plan to divide Poland into 12 states. In one area known as the Śląsk (Lower Silesia) , the southern part of Poland bordering with Germany and the 'Czech Republic' there are VAST amounts of natural resources.

In order of the economic super powers to get their hands on it, at the present time there has to be dealings with 3 separate countries, which leads to opposition, etc.

In order to rape the people of their natural resources, an environment WILL be created which will facilitate the forming of the area into the 'industrialists' hands.

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