27 June 2010

Car raffle - Freemasons Reward

Charities are an intergral part of the Anglo Masonic governance system. A topic that is generally taboo and NOT brought out into the open by the mass media.

A recent death of a freemason and subsequent interview with family and other members has produced material for this post

In the death notices of the newspaper, often but not all the time, the square and compass is seen near the name of the freemason. These usually occur but are not limited to the lower ranking ( or foot soldier) freemason.

It is often talked about at the funeral that he was a valued member of the brotherhood, and how he was subservient to the freemasons.

It is NEVER talked about what exactly he did that was subservient.

As a form of payment for subservience, the freemason gets rewarded in such a manner that is untraceable to a particular event or that is free from TAX.

Other methods for rewarding freemasons are, Competitions / Promotions, Charity prizes, Lotteries.

The general populous are deluded that they have a chance at the BIG ONE.

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