11 August 2010

Lamb Cutlets - The real cost

In Australia at the time of this post, Coles retails its Lamb Cutlets at a price of $28 per kilogram, but what is the REAL cost of the portion of food that is edible or fit for human consumption?

In this Example the total weight of 2 Lamb

Cutlets is 141.5g, as illustrated :

The Lamb Cutlets contain fat which can be trimmed.

This brings down the weight of the product to

approximately 123.6 grams

or approx 18g (12.7%) of fat.

Another not so easily edible, consequently digestible piece, is the bone.

Once the bone has been taken out,

approx 49 grams (or 34.6%)

the weight drops to 74.8 grams of edible product.

So after taking away all the parts that are realistically not edible, from a total of 141.5 grams to 74.8 leaves only approximately 52% of edible product.

From an initial purchase price of :

$28 per kilogram of food turns into approximately,

$54 per kilogram of edible food.

Quite a SUBSTANTIAL increase from what is percieved.

A FACT the retailers are keeping hidden from the public.

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