17 November 2010

Brynne Edelsten - Another Gold Digger?

Recent events portrayed by the mass media suggest that the marriage between Geoffrey Edelsten and his wife Brynne Gordon is on the rocks.

Their 'bickering has become very public, and quite nasty, as televised by the current affairs programs that the mass media offer to the general populous at dinner time.

This come as no surprise, as within the circle of friends of the pair, it is evident that she is out for one thing only, i.e. a Gold Digger, or as illustrated by this blog an "Occupational Ho (Whore).

Many times she was spotted at a Melbourne night club, The Long Room, flirting with other men, soon after their marriage.

When one has groups of friends, Masonic or other influences, one can commit crimes with little / no repercussions.

The likes of :

Henry Kaye ('real name' Eugene Kukuy - Russian / Jewish immigrant)
Richard Pratt (Ryszard Przecicki - Polish /Jewish immigrant)

have all gotten away with fraud with the support of the Australian Legal System.

Australia the BEST country in the world for CORPORATE CRIME.

wikipedia article:

Edelsten was a former general practitioner and was deregistered for practising in New South Wales in 1988 and also in Victoria. Based on an unlawful telephone interception that was nevertheless admitted as evidence,[3][4][5] Edelsten spent a year in jail for soliciting an underworld figure, Christopher Dale Flannery, to assault a former patient, and for perverting the course of justice.

from the heraldsun article

Take their shopping expeditions, for example.

Brynne loves clothes and Edelsten likes to buy them for her - the two can contentedly while away hours in boutiques.

The fluffy white carpet in the living room is stacked with boxes containing their latest purchases - eight dresses by Nurielle, a US label that specialises in skimpy creations embellished with Swarovski crystals.

Each of these garments costs more than most of us spend on our wardrobes in a year.

"They're very expensive," says Edelsten. "You know, $US8000."

As you can read a very 'deep' relationship.

But such is the price of a full time escort.

read more:


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