07 March 2011

Internet Scam - New Idea

In the world of Internet Scams there is a plethora of ideas packaged all the time.

They can range from such diverse topics as :
internet dating,
classifieds (buy a husky puppy e.g. craiglist)
to just and plain simple money laundering or fraud.

An example of a real fraud scam is illustrated in the following picture:

These scams usually involve some sort of 'high' figure per day, and almost all the time there is the:

"Work from Home" catch phrase.

Generally these on-line 'marketing' companies are fraudulent, and there is usually some involvement of you giving away your personal banking details.

The Legal, Accounting and Marketing, corporate think tank behind coprau, could be on a new route to secure an untapped market in Internet Scams.

This new type of internet scam will require the user to "Work from crowded transport", have their own internet enabled pocket device (smartphone, ipod, etc).

The user will then be required to log into websites that flaunt the fact that their members are not on hundreds per day, BUT millions per week.
Just realising the fact that these websites already exist, they are the Entertainment Industry's subjects who are in these 'Money for Mates' scams.

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