09 March 2011

Tax Fraud Leaves the shores of Australia

In Melbourne, Australia a migrant set up a company dealing in fiances.

After a term of 'successful' operations the company was dealing fraudulently in both ripping off the public and the Australian Tax Office (ATO) in allegedly unpaid taxes.

The company's director was preparing for this fraud from the company's earliest inception.

The ATO came knocking on the door of this company, requiring the company pay approximately $10 million in unpaid taxes.

The owner then mentioned that there is a mistake, and the company doe not owe the ATO any monies whatsoever. He then proceeded to mention that he will conclude his business here in Australia, and start again in New York, which he did.

The ATO 'let' this person get away with fraud.

The ATO lets certain people get away with fraud, being it part of the same group of financiers, or helping out their Masonic Brethren, or any other ties they may have in common, only leaving other tax payers to balance the books.

Some people that the ATO has deliberately allowed to get away with taxation fraud , and even allowed to flee the country are:

Richard Pratt (Ryszard Przecicki) - Polish Jewish Migrant
Pratt's wealth built on corruption'

Rene Rivkin - Russian Jewish Migrant,
Swiss court begins search for Rene Rivkin's millions

Henry Kaye (Eugene Kukuy) - Russian Jewish Migrant,
Henry Kaye $18 fraud charge dropped

Only certain people are allowed to get away with fraud.

The taxation department then chooses its 'victims' (easy targets) carefully in order to recoup the financial loses it lets others get away with. Those people are then branded tax cheats.

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