08 May 2011

Smarthome Empty Wallet

In the 'smarthome' business there are a lot of products that are available to the masses.

Many of these products rely on proprietary architecture to get the job done, like turn on an appliance or to turn off the lights.

Governments are pushing this technology as a complement to the "GO GREEN" slogan used in order to reduce your "carbon footprint", which in turn makes you 'feel' better.

BUT what is the cost of such technology?

Many smarthome websites are coy in supplying costs of their products or services.

A recent house extension with a proprietary home automation system, including a PC server, home automation software, lighting controls, appliance controls and garage door remote operation netted a total cost of AU$30,000 including installation.

The technology involved is a far cry from Rocket Science, but in reality comes at great cost to the consumer. Many companies offers their own proprietary home controller modules at an overinflated price. An example of such a controller its worth being in the vicinity of $1,600 compared to an iPad which (at the time of this post) sells at the Australian Apple store for $579.
An app for the purpose may be anything from free to $50.

House and land packages offered in Australia with in built smarthome automation have an approximate price tag of $50,000 upwards, depending on features.

Not really an 'eco' (wallet) friendly solution but rather an accessory for the more affluent.


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