11 June 2011

Corrupt Police Coverup

Another lie perpetuated from a source that has been caught out lying before, i.e. the Victorian Police. Their head of operations Simon Overland, states that there is no problems within the force, where clearly it is known otherwise.

He (Overland) is seen in a mass media campaign spreading propaganda, that there are no concerns within the force, laughing off any questions into police integrity, and many other allegations against the police.

It is very doubtful that even with the help of inside information, from whistleblowers that any police will see incarceration from perverting the cause of justice, fraud, drug dealings, or any other crimes committed by police.

The politics behind this is that the government indemnifies police from prosecutions by creating falsehoods that any information presented before any courts is either inaccurate or inadmissible.

The politics of this is very clear, as if the masses have a perception that the police is actually corrupt, there ‘may’ be some sort of civil disorder.

The truth is covered up by the government with the help of the judges, and the intricate dealings the Masonic brotherhood has within the higher ranks of the society shapers.

Not one single report from the mass media goes into mentioning the effects of judgments made and the Masonic influence outside of the courtrooms.


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