26 June 2011

Electricity company’s sales deceit and fraud

In line with global policies, the Australian government has sold off its utilities. The ‘last’ utility that the population will have to pay for will be water.

To give the false impression of their not being a monopoly, the government has set up ‘companies’ that are electricity resellers, which by its very own definition is a fraudulent one.

What these electricity ‘companies’ are, is not really electricity companies but billing companies.

In order to obtain your business, they send out the newly imported refugees, that work for pittance (read exploitation) who use various methods for you to ‘sign up’.

A recorded incident with one such so called electricity company reveals the fraud the companies practice.

The sales person approaches a homeowner and says:

“We have noticed that in your area you’ve been overcharged for your electricity, and we are here to fix this problem”.

If one has been overcharged for electricity that implies that an incorrect amount has been billed to the owner. This indicates that fraud has occurred, which is a criminal matter, and must be dealt with accordingly.

The home owner then asks the question, do they have to sign anything, and the response is “no”.

Once the sales person does their spiel, they then produce some paperwork, that the homeowner has to sign.

The question proposed at the beginning of the encounter was that is there any documentation that needs to be signed.

The sales person, mislead the homeowner into the accuracy of the product. This is prohibitive by Australian Law.

The Australian government will Not prosecute the very companies that it help set up in a money making scam against the general populous.

Fraud will continue to occur, at the expense of the masses.


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