26 August 2011

Hurricane Irene - will cause petrol price rise

Another event that will cause the rise of the price of fuel could be the event of Hurricane Irene in the United State's east coast.

Corpau is not in the prophecy business, but given that usually any excuse is given to artificially inflate the cost of production of oil barrels onto the market, this current event could also be included.

Certain political events are manufactured to justify an economic decision, usually to the detriment of the masses.

These can range from political coups to local mismanagement of public funds (or fraud) by governments, and their crony supported businesses.

Hurricane Katrina was also such an event that influenced the high cost of fuel, as as result of its impact on the United States, particularly in New Orleans.

Australia is a self sufficient country, and most of the fuel come from near its shores, which now is regulated by the global authority, whereas previously the price structure was such that it was independent of global economy.

In order for the petro-chemical companies to profiteer at a greater rate, the price structure was fixed in line with the global authority.

Another event in which the masses will have to pay for, sponsored by corporate fraud with government support.

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