07 August 2011

Revealed: Best age for having a baby

Another 'lie' brought to you by the trusty 'news' source.

From an 'opinion' by people (mothers), that have had their natural instinct postponed by the industrial revolution, the new media claims that that the information is factual.

Information is given to the populous to support a particular agenda.

From the article:

Australian women say best age for children is 29

  • 59pc of women think 29 best age to start family
  • Felt more secure in their finances, relationship

HAVING a baby is high on the list of things to do before turning 30.

Most women - 59 per cent - think 29 is the best age to start a family, Health Department figures show.

Women are waiting four years longer to give birth than in 1985.

The research found many women felt they were best placed to procreate at 29 as they were secure both financially and in their relationships.

Social analyst David Chalke said many women wanted to start before they were 30 as they still wanted to be "young" mums.

"They don't want to admit to themselves that they've left it until their 30s and want to start when they are young," Mr Chalke said.

"But the gulf between our aspirations and reality is getting larger in Australia.

"We are seeing this rush of women in their late 30s having their first children before they hit 40.

"Either people haven't found the right person, or just haven't got around to it - they are going up the career ladder or saving for a house, and house prices are going through the roof."

Australian Institute of Family Studies research has found many parents wished they had started even younger after having their first child.

"Many said they didn't know how fantastic it would be until they had their first child," assistant director of research Ruth Weston said.

Margarita Williams was 29 when she gave birth to Reuben seven weeks ago, but said it was entirely circumstantial.

"It was the right time for my husband and me - I wasn't thinking I needed to do it before I hit 30," she said.

"The main factors for us were that we were financially ready, stable and settled. We married a couple of years ago and bought a house."

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