14 September 2011

Snooki book good enough for school

In a never ending assault on the education of the masses to dumb them down, another piece of information has been readily made available.

From the trash reality ‘star’ of Jersey Shore, Nicole ‘Snooki’ Polizzi comes a novel “A Shore Thing”, that the Australian education system sees fit for students to use as learning material.

The trash reality star is well known for her foul mouth antics, promiscuous, whore like behaviour, public ass flashing, low moral standards which are all qualities that the aspiring youth of the cannon fodder can look up to for guidance.

The new direction of the public education system for the masses is to focus on ‘flexible learning’ being for students to learn whenever they feel it or even if they feel like it. Teachers have mentioned that it’s up to the student to learn and not the school, if effect taking away all onus of learning away from the school.

The agenda of the public schooling system is to create the next generation of cheap labour for industry and commerce. One way to achieve this is through lack of education, in even basics like mathematics, and English.

The focus is on socialising, and the brainwashing of students into social media networking being a priority in their lives. The goal there (instilled into the students) is to be ‘famous’ and then you’ve really ‘made it’. This could not be further from reality, as for those who are already there, they are locked into contracts dictated by the industry, in such a manner that you are a tool for huge financial gain to the promoters.

In the more affluent suburbs, the teaching curriculum is set out, well defined and very specific. Reading material from well recognised authors with credible material in their novels is given to the students. The prerequisites to further education e.g. mathematics and English are given as a high priority to the students.

The politics is loud and clear to dumb down the herd’s children, which is also reflected in many of the parent’s opinions that are being voiced, but fall on the (deliberately) deaf ears of the Education Board.

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