06 November 2011

Government Water fraud cover-up

The Australian government is involved in a multi-billion dollar fraud, falsified water figures, and money for mates contract deals that is being covered up, and ‘overlooked’ by mass media agencies.

The government has been caught out providing fraudulent information, regarding the crime statistics in Victoria, and as a result the disgraced Police head Simon Overland resigned as top dog. No further news to the masses has been given into any convictions of fraud or any other criminal activities of Mr. Overland.

There are many other government cover ups of fraud that the media does not report on.

In the eastern southern state of Australia, Victoria and its capital city of Melbourne has seen heavy rainfall for approximately the last two years, in which there also occurred floods.

Information obtained from various sources indicates that the government has falsified water storage facility levels, over many years in order to justify the business case for building a desalination plant, simultaneously exponentially raising the price of water, whilst pushing the blame on ‘the drought’, an event which is beyond the control of governments.

The government has deliberately prepared an environment, in which there was to be a lack of water, which would necessitate the need to build a desal plant, at the expense of the taxpayer.

Town planning, roads, and water storage facilities in Victoria have been handled by a government institution called the MMBW (Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works), which was also responsible for the building of dams that catered for the rising population.

Since the global policy is for all government and public utilities to be held in private hands, Victoria’s water utility has been sold.

Since the sale of this utility, there has been no expansion of infrastructure, even though there has been a rise of approximately 30% in population over the past generation, in Melbourne.

In every decade there exists a mini drought, as well as wet periods. These events are cyclic and also follow 50 and 100 year patterns, a fact which is well known to authorities.

The majority of the masses are not well educated in these matters, and the government has taken advantage of this, by promoting via the mass media that we are in a drought, at the same time building car washes.

Soon after the infrastructure has been established, and various stages of drought have been announced, it was made law that it is illegal to wash the car at home, for water conservation purposes, and it had to be washed at the car wash.

It was also illegal to water the lawns, and gardens, etc. Whilst this was going on governments were watering their nature strips, lawns, etc, flaunting the law in front of the general populous.

The government told the masses to wash their cars at car washing facilities, as this would save water. This was far from the truth, as the water used by the car washing businesses, came from the tap which supplied the same water to domestic clients, and was Not recycled, as depicted by the government.

Interviews of many business owners indicated that it was a government scam, which made many owners wealthy and was not about water savings.

Given that there is a deliberate cover up of fraud especially if emanating from governments, there will be no Royal Commission or independent inquiry to the dealings and the defrauding of public funds by the Victorian government.

Currently Melbourne is under Stage 2 water restrictions, which should have been lifted a while ago, given the official dam capacity levels.

Another clear indication of just how corrupt the government really is.

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