20 December 2011

Corrupt judges accepting bribes

In the legal system many cases ‘mysteriously’ get dismissed or there is not enough evidence to prosecute the offending party, in legal procedures which are not followed by judges or magistrates.

In an insight into many cases, the judges or magistrates from traffic infringement courts all the way to the high courts of Australia are accepting bribes for lenient or dismissed sentences.

The government officials are accepting bribes ranging from notebooks to goods and services rendered at their premises in the exchange for dismissing of matters.

Legal firms are also in on it, in that they suggest to the guilty party that if they cooperate in a manner that both the legal firm and/or the presiding judge benefits, the case will be dropped.

This practice has been going on for quite some time in the courts and since some people may be ready to come out publicly, the response has been the judges are now apparently going to have their phone tapped.

This is quite ludicrous as this verbose action only warns the corrupt judges to seek alternative actions in committing the serious offence of contempt of court.

In some high profile criminal cases, police allegedly commit administrative errors, with the blessing from their superiors, to let the case slip, in essence supporting the criminal’s actions.

Further insult to injury is that the government allows the cash flow from the proceedings of crime to be kept by the allocated personnel of the crime syndicate.

What seems to the general public, as a clerical error is a well orchestrated plan by both the authorities and the legal system to let out the ‘Mr. Bigs’ of the organised crime world.

Even if the corrupt judges and police are named, they will be supported by their brethren, and the legal system, to commit further crimes.


  1. I am an Australian doctor who was attacked through the Australian System by a Masonic network operating in the System.
    This has involved severe judicial and legal criminality and ongoing political cover ups of the matter.

    Please refer to my website: www.helentsigounis.com and book with the facts: The Red Back Web

  2. I am an Australian doctor who was attacked through the Australian System by a Masonic network operating in the System.
    This has involved severe judicial and legal criminality and ongoing political cover ups of the matter.

    Please refer to my website: www.helentsigounis.com and book with the facts: The Red Back Web
