30 April 2012

The Voice - The mother of all battles

The Australian masses are lured into the hypnotic and mindless 'battles' as the music industry 'legend's put it, in the show "The Voice".

The children of the canon fodder are given the 'idiot box' show, that tempts them of untold wealth and fame achieved by being part of the music 'business', and that's what it exactly is, a business.

No one is told of the contracts that are to be signed are slanted one way, purely for the financial benefit of the music industry.

No one is told that the contracts they sign relinquish them of any rights, only to be puppets of the music company. The so called 'publists' control the entire image and perforances of the puppet individual.

What the masses are also unaware of is the fact that the music industry puppets in the chairs, are told what to say by the producers, via the head pieces.

Another farce, from the television industry, to the impressionalble minds of the children of the masses.

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