12 June 2012

Economic growth figures falsified

The Australian government has just recently released the latest economic growth figures for 2012. 

The corporate media duly announced that economists were stunned with the current figures, as they were less optimistic, and as a result inaccurate by approximately 100%.

Professional economists, together with other industry analysts use current data and sophisticated models based on current information from all industries to give future estimates. The error rate is usually marginal and not major as in this case.

To insinuate that economists got it wrong, is not only an insult to the professionals but a blatant farce in the face of the general populous.

The government has provided false information in relation to the economic  growth of Australia, to push a government supported agenda, rather than to report factual figures.

The government also falsifies the unemployment rate in order to paint a rosier picture than it actually is.

Many industry analysts use a more realistic unemployment figure of just over 8%, rather than the actual reported figure by the government of just over 5%.

There is an eerie silence in the corporate media, about debunking the government’s official economic growth figures, and the true figures will never be revealed.

This is not a matter of doomsayers, or skepticism, but rather the ‘optimistic’ figures are designed to instill faith in the masses, in order to spend more.

Naturally the government is well prepared to whitewash any criticism.

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