14 November 2012

Government job advertisement fraud

The Australian government via its various departments, e.g. Department of Education (DoE), Department of Justice (DoJ), Australian Taxation Office (ATO), etc is responsible for a nationwide job advertisement fraud that has been going on for decades.

When a position is made available, it must be advertised externally, where all applicants have to be considered. 

The process for filling in a vacant position is that usually in the early stages internal staff are considered as suitable candidates. If the position cannot be filled internally, then the staff is asked if any relatives are able to fulfill the role. If relatives are unavailable then friends, acquaintances or business colleagues are considered and so on.

As a general rule, most positions are occupied within the early stages of employment recruiting. Since laws have been put in place, that require positions to be advertised externally, a staggering 70% of job vacancies are falsely advertised, as they have already been filled internally. This information has been obtained via various sources within employment / government sectors which has been verified to be accurate and correct.

The largest perpetrator of this job advertisement fraud is the government. The government places nonexistent vacancies to desperate job seekers, which it re-advertises, further adding the falsified figures of the so called advertised jobs market.

Once candidates apply for those positions, they receive a courteous letter informing them that they have been unsuccessful in their application, which has already been filled internally prior to the advertisement.

The corporate media, being the official government lap dog, curiously omits any reporting on this type of fraud which has been going on for decades.

The corporate media also curiously omits reporting on the actual jobless numbers, which are falsified by the government. The current official jobless rate is at approx 5.7%, whereas the more realistic rate used by economists is approx. 8.5%, which still falls short of the more realistic figure of 10%.

Another taboo is that members within the Masonic brotherhood are considered a priority, even though the individual may not have the skill set to perform the duties required for the role, rather than choosing the more qualified external applicant.

This type of job advertising fraud is not limited to the government only, but is also rampant in the corporate / private sector as well.

There could never be an inquiry to the nationwide government job advertising fraud, as this would implicate too many senior figures.

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