04 December 2012

Child molester whisked away

The government would have you believe that it is against child molestation, by verbosely promoting the fact that for example internet censorship needs to occur to stamp out paedophilia or child pornography, but actions speak louder than words.

Recently in the more affluent eastern suburb of Melbourne in a Caufield school, a child molester  was caught in the act assaulting a student.

To make matters worse the school and authorities covered up the matter.

The corporate media have an understating with authorities that certain matters are not allowed to be made public, irrespective of the truth or how it effects the community at large.

Some sections of the community are allowed to get away with certain crimes. 

They could be of a certain political background, belong to brotherhood organisations, or supported criminal gangs as examples.

The teacher was whisked away, and put on a flight out of the country within a couple of days.

Authorities working in co-operation with criminals, but only with the chosen ones.

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