10 March 2013

Origin Energy solar rebate fraud

Origin Energy has been caught out in defrauding customers thousands of dollars each in a solar rebate fraud.

The Australian government is pushing the masses to install solar panels on the roofs of their home, in a so called bid to go with ‘green energy’, covering up a more desperate reality, is the privatised utilities did not expand with population growth and demand.

What the general population also are not aware of is the resources required and the energy needed to produce the so called ‘green energy’ solar cells far outweighs their ‘free energy’ benefit.

Once ‘switching’ over to Origin Energy, customers who have solar on their roofs are told by Origin that heir panels are not producing any electricity, and therefore are not entitled to a rebate.

Once questioned or put up against a wall with information and proof of fraud, Origin, back peddles and says that the customer does not owe anything when it comes to paying their electricity bill.

This is analogous to a person shoplifting, but once caught by police they apologise, and wish to return the stolen product, without any criminal convictions, which in real life does not work.

Corporations are allowed, by the authorities, to steal monies from the masses without any consequences.
Previously government/public owned utilities have been sold and consequently bastardised, with this fraudulent state of operations only supported by government and not regulated.

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