28 March 2013

Packer’s $11 tax contribution

In the corporate world, far out of reach of the commoner, lies a world of secret deals, golden handshakes and a group of people that liaise with one another to make the shadiest business partnerships the country has ever seen.

Business heavy weights tell the politicians what laws to make, in order to have a favourable outcome for them. One must also remember that the politicians are also people of power before they become involved in politics, and therefore also conducive to pass such favourable laws.

Many of Australia’s most famous names, well known brands and ‘Aussie’ businesses are registered as companies or even better ‘shelf’ companies in well known tax havens, for the sole purpose to avoid tax.

Tax avoidance in Australia is illegal and therefore a criminal offence.

 In current news in the European Union, Greece is in the spotlight under financial pressure. Many an article has been written in the corporate media, as to why Greece is in financial woe, but the most common (plausible?) reason given is that the populous is lazy, and did not pay the taxes. This is one of the biggest lies perpetuated by the corporate media.

Taxes are paid by the general populous to support huge tax concessions given mainly to corporations and (favoured) businesses can benefit as well.

The general population in Australia pays anything from 30% to 50% on their earnings, where companies (or corporation) can deduct anything from a paperclip, telephone call to a Lamborghini as an operating expense, to be mopped up by the hard working Aussie tax payer.

Allegedly Kerry Packer inherited a fortune worth $100m in the mid 70’sfrom his father Frank, which is worth an approximate $7 billion today. According to some financial analysts if the monies were invested in financial portfolios it would be worth $11 billion today, or approximately 50% more.

Shady deals done behind closed doors are not new in business or politics. Packer set up of Australia’s largest casino, Crown Casino located in Melbourne which the land’s alleged leased value was $1 per year.

Crown Casino also allegedly attracts 25 million people per year and employs over 13,800 staff according to one of their advertisements.

Crown is also known to the high rollers for its access to escort services and designer drugs as well as money laundering facilities.

As a thank you note for such wonderful services, a tax contribution of $11 will suffice according tot he tax office, with no inquiry in sight.

Australia’s Masonic forefathers set up a tight legal and financial system for the sole benefit of their ‘brethren’ to the financial detriment of the ‘commoner’.

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