27 March 2013

Police allow outlaw 40 years on the run

There is a long association of police co-operation with ‘bikie’ gangs, and in many instances the police are on the bikies’ payroll, a fact that the authorities would like you to believe otherwise.

It just does not stop at the police either. Corrupt authorities including, lawyers, barristers, magistrates, high court judges, and the tax office are also on the payroll of the criminal bikie element, but they are part of the ‘untouchables’.

Today, Australia’s illegal drug trade is worth approximately $1.2 billion per month, most of which is controlled by the well known (to authorities) established crime families.

The drug distribution network also involves many corrupt customs officers with the help of police if there is a hint of exposure.

The police allowed a known outlaw (read criminal) to be on the ‘run’ for 40 years.

Hell Angels Australian founding member Christopher “Ball Bearing” Coelho (illustrated with wife Dee) has ‘alluded?’ police capture for 40 years, an astonishing feat by anyone’s standards.

The (well) known (to police) Hells Angels Melbourne chapter club house is located in the northern suburb of Fairfield, with Bearing’s, as he is known, place of residence, next door.

Police allow (certain) criminals to operate whilst others are eliminated.

The current public display of a ‘bikie crackdown’, is a government sponsored PR exercise to show the general population that something is done about the escalating drug wars that are spilling out into the streets, and therefore the public eye.

The so called caught criminals are processed, and literally let go the next day. 

This farce is designed to subdue the general population into a false sense of security, as they must be ‘told’ what reality is.

The truth is the drug syndicates have been in control of the authorities for quite some time.

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