21 March 2013

PSO commercial government sponsored lies

When the Australian public are treated to a message from the government via their lap dog, the corporate media, there is little doubt that one can smell a rat, and a pungent one at that.

The government has embarked on a propaganda campaign that showed the herd population that they are safe while using public transport.

Various scenarios were depicted where congregated youths would be in a position to harm a solitary youth, but shows around the corner reveal two PSO’s (Protective Service Officers) around the corner, resulting in smiles from the lonesome traveller (See illustration).

Pity this is only a fictitious scenario and not the norm.

By that time the corporate media already upstaged the government in reporting that there is not enough protection to public transport travellers, by showing cases where people are assaulted on public transport.

A reply campaign was launched by the government propaganda department in the form of another commercial that indicated that more PSO’s are needed.

If the situation was under control then there would be no need to hire more PSO personnel, which suggests that the government is not in control of the safety of its citizens on public transport.

‘PT’ as it is known colloquially, also is referred to as ‘Peasant Transport’, is not a priority for a ‘clean up’ as it is only a method to distribute the herd population to their respective places of work, and is seen as such by the non ‘PT’ using ‘game changers’ politicians and law makers.

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