02 June 2013

Sex Lies Facebook and Bad Mothers

There is the age old saying that every generation should be familiar with that being with reference to the “good old days”.

But what exactly does that mean?

There once was a time when the pleb’s voice was not only oppressed, but would not be able to travel for any significant distance for it not only to matter, but also not be heard.

The role of the plebs is to work and pay up to 50% of their measly wages to the ruling elite, only to return to the small single fronted workers cottages to have dinner only to wake the following day to enrich the industrialists yet again.

The print media was in control by a handful of people, and the mind of the masses was steered by propaganda from the corporate elite.

Ahh those were the “good old days”.

Enter the era of the Internet, and to the trial and tribulations of the plebs of today.

While the politics of oppression of the masses has not changed, the voice (or print) of the herd can now be heard over vast distances, on a global scale instantaneously.

ANY Trailer Park Trash mother or ‘Ho can now obtain a smart (smarter than her) phone and post her narcissistic photos or her sexual conquests of the evening on a global scale over the Internet via Facebook.

While this may be entertaining to some, sexually provocative poses which imply that one’s life is all but one HUGE party of sexual conquests is quite disturbing, especially when one has children that eventually may see their mother a nothing else but a cheap hooker.

What is even worse is that people of this calibre who have just passed their ‘pen license’ have enough keyboard skills to use (Ctrl C) and (Ctrl V) to post meaningless messages and quotes that apparently pertain to their relationship breakup and their apparently fantastic single parenting skills, which incidentally are a farce.

In reality this bad mother after breaking the family unit, falsely applies for a AVO (Apprehended Violence Order) AND obtains it.

She drags her sordid toddler’s behind until 2am, depleting them of much need sleep (read child abuse) all for the selfish purpose to drive to her friend’s place for a smoke break.

She posts pictures of randoms who she had sex with during the night, one may be at 8pm, with a bouncer at a popular night club, the other at 11pm with a banana bending DJ from another popular night club.

She may whinge how she cannot financially afford her children, whilst simultaneously making weekly appointments to her expensive hairdresser, counting the hundreds of dollars in her purse needed for the all night binge drinking session coming up.

A few days later she may even post how much of a great parent she is, all to the amusement of her closest friends, who know the real story, simultaneously being the laughing stock on a global scale.

Unfortunately Facebook is littered with bad mothers that are not only taking up valuable bandwidth, electricity and oxygen, but also have burdened society with their loser children.

Unfortunately there are no laws that prevent Trailer Park Trash from breeding, only as a consolation prize the government may take the children away.

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