18 November 2013

Stuart Wemyss - Another financial fraud?

In the shady world of banking and finance, where the majority of deals are done behind closed doors, where insider trading plays a huge part of so called 'success stories' come many names which the general populous may be familiar with.

The likes of Rene Rivkin, who flaunted his apparent wealth in dodgy television commercials after 12am (cheaper advertising rates) urging the plebs to invest in his scams or his trading company.

Another name which also may be familiar to the masses would be Eugene Kukuy ( alias Henry Kaye) who was responsible for a billion dollar fraud in property investments, involving developers, bankers, mortgage brokers, politicians and paid off corrupt judges who ultimately let him go free.

Another fraudster was Richard Pratt of the Visy (recycling) business, where the extent of the fraud was in the magnitude of $750 million dollars.

To the uneducated ('lay') person or Australian, the financial system of western banking may seem logical or even legitimate, but in reality it is a system based entirely on fraud, a fact that is not mentioned by the (government lap dog) corporate media.

Welcome to the site of an alleged mortgage broker, Stuart Wemyss from the website

On the website it states that:

"This not my website - I don't own it. It's open for all to adopt it as their own"

A simple websearch via whois.sc will reveal that the above site brokerrevolution.com.au is registered by MORELOANS.COM.AU PTY LTD (ACN 155564579) with the registrant contact name of Stuart Wemyss.

 The domain name of moreloans.com.au is registered by PROSOLUTION GROUP PTY LTD (ABN: 54096725370) with the contact name of Stuart Wemyss.

Eugene Kukuy (aka Henry Kaye) registered over 140 companies for the sole purpose of fraud, under the ever so watchful eye of Business Affairs and the ACCC.

The Australian legal system allows for fraudsters to flourish under the protection of different company names which in turn are set up for the specific purpose to defraud the masses of their hard earned income and nest egg finances.

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