29 May 2014

Paton & Ors v Mackay Regional Council - Council Rates

Local government or municipal office 'rates' are supposed to be for people who make a living from the land, for example farmers, primary producers, etc.

Some Australians are aware that council rates are illegal / unlawful ( regarding domestic dwellings) according to the 'Constitution' but it is with the help of corrupt magistrates and judges that this fraud is perpetuated.

In a recent Queensland Supreme Court judgement made on the 30th of April 2014, the Mackay Regional Council lost the court battle against the Applicants: Ayril Richard Paton & Peter John Crossan & Maincrest Pty Ltd.

The (16 page pdf) document Paton & Ors v Mackay Regional Council [2104] QSC 75 is available for download:


  1. Hi, great site you have going. Really appreciate all the info, very interesting.
    Would love to read this case "Paton & Ors v Mackay Regional Council - Council Rates".
    Sorry, I'm a real newbie. How can I get my hands on it? Are there any updates to this case?
    Does this case apply to normal rate payers in the burbs? I live near Brisbane, and am so sick of the constant, unreasonable rates and water bills that come in. Feels like I'm just working to pay the bills.

    Kind regards,

  2. Dirt.

