13 December 2014

A list of corrupt Police

Illustration: A previous Victoria Police badge with the words Tenez le Droit - with the apparent translation of "Hold it Straight" - with reference to pointing a gun at the masses? The official version is that the direct translation is "Uphold the Right", which is the current motto.

Corruption within Australia's police 'force' is rife, where the mentality of the majority of police is that they are untouchable by the law and can do whatever they please, including perverting the course of justice, submitting false statements in court, assaulting the public, drug dealing, organised automobile crime, theft, extortion, a host of other criminal activities and even murder.

The purpose of this post is to collate a list of corrupt police within Australia, who have been involved in criminal activity or have committed a criminal offence.

Information can be from many different sources including: the public forum / business commonly known as a 'court', corporate media news articles, verifiable eyewitness accounts including video/hidden audio recordings, statements implicating police, and other sources not mentioned.

If seizure of property has been committed by a Victorian so called 'sheriff' accompanied by Victoria police, then their names can also be added to the list.

The information must be factual and verifiable.

We welcome any information that can lead to arrests of corrupt police.

Information can be sent to our inbox via our facebook account at Corpus Australis, comments left on our facebook page, or following this article or email to our Corporate Australia email address at gmail.

The list is started of with two names from Victoria Police, who rammed a 'driver' in his car into a letterbox, beat him up, then tried to destroy the video footage, and provided false statements in court. The two policemen are:

Kieren Atkin and Brennan Roberts.

The list is available for download in pdf format at:


Also information with regards to Victoria Police:

Please refer to article:  Ex Victorian police officer comments on fines at:



  1. Not just the police, it's the whole darn system. The keywords are freemasonry, rainbow agenda and communism. Note the upside-down star of satan on the badge.

  2. Paul Dale? No shit this list is old as fuck. That ain't fuck all

  3. When I first read the title of this post, I thought I’d see a list of convicted ex-police officers. Instead, it was a load of bile spewed out from a person who not only lives for making hate fuelled assumptions but obviously has serious problems with authority, any authority at all. There are plenty of communist countries in the world who would welcome such deranged ingrates with open arms. Instead of hating your country so much, pack your bongos and go to any one of them. Australia does not need anymore hate mongering antagonists.

  4. When I first read the title of this post, I thought I’d see a list of convicted ex-police officers. Instead, it was a load of bile spewed out from a person who not only lives for making hate fuelled assumptions but obviously has serious problems with authority, any authority at all. There are plenty of communist countries in the world who would welcome such deranged ingrates with open arms. Instead of hating your country so much, pack your bongos and go to any one of them. Australia does not need anymore hate mongering antagonists.

  5. a cop from Goulburn breached my confidentiality and shared my private COPS file with a member of the public. I was never able to identify his name, I just know it was a male.
    I had to engage a lawyer last year when I eventually lost my licence for 5 years for high range PCA after acquiring a string of petty charges; subsequent to losing my business from the scamdemic and derailing a little but turning to partying and drinking.
    I was impacted rather significantly by this breach of confidentiality, being kicked out of home and spending 2 months living out of my car.

    My lawyer said they could chase this up for me but when they attempted to press it further with Goulburn-Hume police, they were uncooperative and unwilling to investigate into who accessed my file illegally. We got nowhere.

    I hate the whole system. I'm on an ICO and now have to go back to court for allegedly spraying "the only thing mutating are lies" and "SCAM" on a popup covid testing clinic advert sign.

    I've been livid trying to accept that they want to press charge for something so petty while our governments commit treason. And I will probably lose out, especially having breached ICO conditions... fml.
