11 January 2016

No response from the 'Sheriff' of Victoria - Brendan Facey

MANY Victorians have been effected by the fraudulent actions of a legal 'person' by the name of Brendan Facey as the 'Sheriff of Victoria'.

There are a fair few points that need addressing (which are addressed in other posts) with regards to a letter from the 'Sheriff's Office' where the details have changed from approximately mid 2015. The illustration below is the old style letter:

Please note that this letter is a computer generated template, where there is no 'wet ink' signature.

Please note that:

  • The 'sheriff' of Victoria is supposed to be an officer of the Supreme Court of Victoria EXCLUSIVELY,

  • According to law, ALL 'sheriff' appointments MUST be gazetted,

  • The appointments for other 'sheriffs' are gazetted.

  • There is no gazetted appointment for 'Brendan Facey' as the Sheriff of Victoria.

We are aware that many people have written to the 'Sheriff's Office of Victoria' in order to obtain the alleged 'warrants' for the offences that have been (allegedly) committed.

From our understanding no one has yet:

  • received a copy of a lawful 'warrant',

  • received a response from the 'person' Brendan Facey as the Sheriff of Victoria signed in wet ink by his hand as his 'normal' signature, as depicted in the original template letter.

We are therefore putting it out there has ANYONE obtained a response from Mr. Facey as the 'Sheriff of Victoria' signed by hand in wet ink?

If so please put this information in the comments section of this post.

Please note that:

  • A response from 'Brendan Facey' as the Director of Infringement Management & Enforcement Services is NOT a response from Brendan Facey as the 'Sheriff of Victoria' and is not considered as a response from the 'sheriff'.

  • There is no lawful appointment for the person 'Brendan Facey' as the Sheriff of Victoria, therefore any other person that claims to be a deputy is there unlawfully.

  • The powers that allegedly allow the sheriff to incarcerate, take possession or clamp motor vehicles come from the Sheriff Act 2009, an Act that has not been enacted lawfully.


  1. Now you know why they want the guns out of the hands of Australians.
