11 September 2017

BlackBerry abandoning its users riding on its success of yesteryear

In the rapidly changing world of Information and Communications Technology, companies can come and go without even a ripple, invent technologies to be bought out by others and even reach stratospheric heights only to wilt away to a minuscule shadow of their former glory, like Nokia.

It seems that BlackBerry is going down this inevitable path too.

BlackBerry used to be a name synonymous with secure handsets together with a secure server communications platform.

Just because this may have been the case with BlackBerry a decade ago does not mean this is also the case today.

On the success of its (allegedly) secure proprietary device operating system (combined with the server email platform), BlackBerry abandoned its BlackBerry Operating System user base to create  Google's Android Operating System base mobile phone with a twist that being a physical keyboard in order to lure the old customers. 

They named the device "Priv" to give the impression that one has a privileged or private (meaning secure) communications device?

In reality it's just another 'Android' slab, running Google's operating system meaning it's far from secure or private even with BlackBerry's add-ons.

At the end of the day the sales figures showed that it was a giant flop.

Due to poor management decisions BlackBerry has lost its edge.

AS mentioned before, BlackBerry has abandoned updates that it apparently promised (legally binding contract?) to its customers using its proprietary BlackBerry Operating System.

BlackBerry has also lost many government contracts.

BlackBerry has abandoned an Android Nougat update to the Priv device.

BlackBerry does not even manufacture phones any more as that was 'given' away to TCL.

So what has TCL produced under the BlackBerry label a phone whose screen lifts, BRILLIANT, at least you can hide a business card or two there.

How's the Android side of software going with BlackBerry?

Well it looks like it's loaded with bloatware.

Most tech reviews will entice a consumer to purchase the latest 'slab' from a manufacturer, either because they get paid for the review or get sponsorship, or just to keep the cogs of industry turning.

E.g. you have to get the black version of the KEYone that came out this month as it's better (because of it black colour?) than last month's 'normal' one.

  • How can you trust a company that promises to update its software, only to leave you in the lurch?
  • How can you trust a company that markets its (Android) products as secure, when the moment one logs into Google, one's 'security' / 'privacy' is out the door?
We do not recommend the purchase of any TCL (nee BlackBerry) Android device.

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