16 November 2017

Australian Constitution gives us the right to bear arms

The Australian Constitution, a 116 year old law, that has made its way into the hands of the herd population and literally immortalised itself in pop culture ever since the dual citizenship saga hit the mainstream media.

Ever since then any serf may reckon they're a "Constitutional Lawyer" where the worst part about it is that they have a voice on social media that can lead other members of the herd population off a cliff, as depicted below.

A 'luser' (pronounced loser, with reference to a loser user) by the name of Lyn Bennetts stated;

"Australia's Constution also gives us the right to bear arms, it doesn't matter if you like it or not it is our right"

WHILE referring to ... wait for it .... the
"2nd Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America"

as shown in the screen capture below:

Now, for the record, we ain't no "Constitutional Lawyer" (LOL, PMSL, etc, etc),
but can someone PLEASE tell us where does it say that the serfs have to right to firearms in the
Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 ??? !!! ???

The document is available for your perusal below:

Note to self:
The Constitution is a document that people in government must follow,
therefore there is no reference (and never was any) as to the serfs bearing arms.

1 comment:

  1. I can only think of two long shots. One the indirect standing of being a Subject that you represent the Crown and that anyone that attempts to raise an army can be meet with a level of war. The other argument related to the first is that Police and Military are not special citizens, therefore Subjects have the same base rights before considering legislation be that valid or not.
