21 December 2017

Apple caught out in fiddling with your phone

You may have purchased a phone from Apple and had an (anti corporate / anti consuming?) agenda to use until it died, or even better until the battery wore out where you would just replace it and carry on using this phone, but Apple have installed other ideas into your phone.

By restricting the CPU's speed, Apple have decided to degrade your phone's performance, in order for you to purchase a new model.

This is not an entirely honest action by Apple, one that realistically should see a class action lawsuit against Apple.

Seriously, how can anyone trust a company with this sort of attitude towards the product that you have purchased for a premium.

NOTE: We do not recommend the purchase of any Apple products.

See article from 20 Dec 2017 by news.com.au of the headline;

Apple does slow down your iPhone as the batteries wear out, new study claims

IT TURNS out one of the most common complaints of iPhone owners could actually be the result of something orchestrated by the company, a new study has found. 

APPLE updates slow down ageing iPhones by cutting performance power to save the batteries, researchers have claimed.

Scientists at tech firm Primate Labs analysed performance data from thousands of the devices and discovered speeding up a slow iPhone could be as simple as getting a new battery — if you’re willing to give Apple $A119 for the privilege.

Primate Labs founder John Poole said deliberately slowing the processors can have the effect of hiding a dying battery, while also encouraging users to upgrade, reports The Sun.

“Users may believe that the slow down is due to CPU performance, instead of battery performance,,” he told Geekbench.

“[This will cause] users to think, ‘my phone is slow so I should replace it’ not, ‘my phone is slow so I should replace its battery’.”

People's comments:

The huge analysis revealed that iPhone 6S performance took four massive nosedives after each update that followed iOS 10.2.1.

“The distribution of iPhone 6S scores for iOS 10.2.0 appears unimodal with a peak around the average score,” he said.

“However, the distribution of iPhone 6S scores for iOS 10.2.1 appears multimodal, with one large peak around the average and several smaller peaks around lower scores. Under iOS 11.2.0 the effect is even more pronounced.”

Researchers believe the device is designed to encourage iPhone processors to slow down if they detect battery degradation, meaning customers would need to upgrade or pay Apple for a new battery to get their device back to standard.

Batteries naturally degrade over time, with the iPhone designed to last for just 500 charge cycles.
Apple is yet to release a statement on the issue.

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