09 December 2017

Same Sex Marriage law a win for ex PM's

Australian politicians the biggest assholes in the world ??? !!! ???

So homosexual Australians can now rejoice that they can now be legally wedded.

People like Australia's ex prime minister Paul Keating, who is for the republic
(how VERY UN-Australian):

or our first lesbian (who's STILL in the closet) ex prime minister Ju-Liar Gillard:

oops sorry wrong picture:

that's better!

Please note:

No referendum was needed, as this was not changing the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900

- The Government Company gave $122 million to their arsehole mates for this BS 'survey'.

Changing of a 'Commonwealth' law can be made WITHOUT the approval of the herd population...

and youz participated in this crap ??? !!! ???

You dumb asses !!!

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