22 March 2018

Local Government Lies - No Through Road

It's not enough that the good subjects of Her Majesty in the Commonwealth of Australia a being lied to by their so called representatives, the Mutts in Parliament (MPs).

It's not enough that the good people are being defrauded and lied to by the (Daniel) Andrews government, where even when caught the fraudsters still retain their jobs, salaries and superannuation (try that trick with the social security business called Centrelink).

Now the 'local' fraudsters in your friendly city council are delivering false information to drivers.

In the below photograph, a road contains a sign that says NO ENTRY (no need for concern with what's written underneath that).

Another sign underneath states that it's a NO THROUGH ROAD.

So with reference to the "NO THROUGH ROAD" a driver would comprehend that the road does not continue for automobiles.

This could be because the road is actually a court, or either through a natural obstruction,  like a mountain, or something a bit more subtle - a rockery with trees planted in the middle of a previously drive-able road that a hipster engineer decided to plan as a result of the global warming officer's advice.

The driver in this case knows that the city councils with their alleged third tier of law making ability can go screw themselves, and proceeded down this "NO THROUGH ROAD".

To the absolute astonishment of the driver and no doubt through a Moses like miracle, the road less traveled had no dead end, even though it was far from the dead sea, it was very passable, as seen in photo of biblical proportions.

All that matters is that you get fined for going through the (false info) sign.

But what are the penalties for your members of your 'local government' lying to you?

Uuummm, about the same as for Daniel Andrews' buddies who defrauded Victorian tax payers of nearly $400,000.

You do realise that they (the peeps in federal and state gov) are laughing at the commoners.

Would you like to partake in a class action against your 'local government'?

If so, then see:

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