20 June 2018

Corrupt Queensland police bribe bashing victim not to press charges

If Australia's police force gets caught out committing criminal offences, there are a few ways that the matter is dealt with by police.

In this case Queensland's Police Service whose chief is Ian Stewart (pictured above), offered cash or hush money in order for the victim not to pursue further action against police.

In the case of the 'whistle blower'  Rick Flori, he gets charged by the organisation he worked for, the organisation committing criminal offences.

SO to make it simple Sgt Rick Flori exposed criminal activity, where he gets charged for committing a criminal activity.

So in Australia it's a crime to expose criminal activity [of the 3rd tier of government, called the judiciary, which the police are part of]?

(Still need more proof you live in a police state?)

What is also concerning is that 18 months earlier Ian Stewart falsely stated that the victim Mr. Noa Begic did not want to pursue charges against police, when in fact he did.

Please note that he (Begic) was paid off in a secret and court sealed confidential settlement, where he then withdrew the complaint.

How can a court (or any person) trust the words of the chief of police Ian Stewart, when at law he is described as an 'unreliable witness'?

Interview from ABC Radio Brisbane by Steve Austin with QPS head Ian Stewart:

Downloadable at:



  1. Ian Stewart is a questionable individual as Comissioner of QPF.

  2. Ian Stewart keeps referring to the QUEENSLAND POLICE SERVICE as an "organization" however, he might not have done his homework or not telling the truth (Again) in relation to the fact that the QUEENSLAND POLICE SERVICE is registered on DUN&BRADSTREET as a "non-organization" !!! rendering it as legally non existent, meaning, it can't be sued but each officer can be sued for their personal conduct on the condition you can get the full name and serving address of such a police officer that acts outside the boundary of his office contract. The corruption of the Australian and state governments is far deeper than anyone could imagine. It is nothing more than a debt collection criminal gang working for a foreign private counterfeit banking cartel, it derives from the foreign district of Washington DC, (District of Columbia) UNITED STATES INC. Ian Stewart, and the Queensland Police are pushing the so called thin blue line to breaking point!!! .... Too many Australians are starting to work it all out! ...
