14 August 2018

Police state laws, a long time in the planning

Migration has not always been a good thing for the people of Australia.

Just take a look at what happened in 1788, where at the end of the day, say 230 years later it hasn't been quite so prosperous for the Indigenous Australians, but rather very prosperous for the invading forces under the guise of this machine called the honourable crown.

Why 'honourable'?

Because everyone representing the crown is labelled as honourable, you know like Mr. Barnaby Joyce, or a judge that let out a paedophile to rape children again and again.

With regards to today's migration, there is something at play called PRS (Problem Reaction Solution) that has been in action for quite some time here on this land.

A good way to start this off is by having deliberately no screening process in force, where you import 'low quality' people, people of low morals and ethics, people who have little intentions of causing no harm to their fellow man or woman but rather steal from them or break into their homes with the intention of causing violent criminal actions, from which ever continent, nation or religious background where you know they will cause harm to the general population of Australia.

Let's put aside the 'good' people that also come from these places.

What you (as the people in government) do then, is deny the 'problem' i.e. the orchestrated action that you have created , where eventually you concede having the brilliant plan of introducing new laws, that enhance the police state on the general population.

Apparently the Australian people live under a Constitutional monarchy, in a democracy which this itself can be fiercely debated for quite some time, but in reality one could call this place a corporatocracy, fascist or authoritarian state or even a dictatorship.

With every new law being put into circulation, the people's privacy and whatever alleged freedoms they think they may have are been taken away from them, by the 'problems' deliberately created by the people in government.

We should all be aware how the dodgy Egyptian government shut down its telecommunications network in order to stop people from protesting against the corrupt people in government.

Austerity is coming to Australia, where they're just setting it all up so that you'll be screwed over without any ability to act on it.

Don't forget this is all - "good for the economy"

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