22 September 2018

While Everyone Was Distracted By Strawberries, Peter Dutton Introduced Laws To Snoop On Your Private Chats

The legislation was introduced into parliament just 10 days after consultation ended, and not all submissions have been made public.
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  1. The Government can look at my Facebook anytime I am a International Human Rights Observer so let them see what the rest of the world sees about Australia's appalling Human Rights record.

  2. I Believe him... He's a ex Qld cop after all.

  3. The march towards Fascism in Australia continues unabated and will do so until the Australian people wake up and realise that they are being governed by a criminal cartel.

  4. Why on earth is the Govt against this when it happens to us every day? It looks like someone has something to hide and it isn't the public

  5. To Mr Dutton, would you install in every mattress a device which will tell you how many times we have sex too?
    Is your phone going to be censored too or will it be exempted?

  6. I have nothing 2 hide , don't use digital 4 money transactions . My life isn't that interesting I'm sure. If it helps Security 4 Australia ................ I don't care what other Countries say about our human rights . We have 2 stay as safe as possible with so many suspects trying 2 get onto the gravy train in Australia Where R their wives & children ?? Cowards leave them @ home 2 fend 4 themselves . Many R not of good character They R free 2 return

    1. Problem is Aust G'ment wants tech manufacturers to create backdoors and security vulnerabilities so when they have the legal right to pry into someone's affairs they can. What happens when hackers find out about these exploits and applies them in the wild.I have nothing to hide too but my VPN and locked down mobile devices and PC's will be left wide open... what privacy we have left is too much to lose

    2. Wholly and fully obtuse to say I have nothing to hide. What a a dismal choice of who to trust your future to: globalist corporations run by amoral, elitist,technocrats and a self serving political machine that either pretends to chose small government and does everything possible to promulgate a behemoth public service populated with control freaks and another political party that gleefully cow tows to the Marxist global cabal mafia AKA the United Nations. So who allowed this security issue to fester? Both of Australia's coalitions of PC worshipers and comrades for the agenda of Soros and other global illuminati identities.

  7. Did leave commment but U obviously chose not 2 publish

  8. Which comment is that 'Unknown' ??? !!! ???

    Don't forget the comments are NOT published instantaneously as we do not live here waiting for people's comments... GET IT ??? !!! ???

    We post them the next time we're on, which could be even in a few days.

  9. You think China is bad, start with the country...…………. it is NO different

  10. This is what happens when you have religious idiots in government. They can do whatever they want because GOD is on there side.

  11. Good on you max hetold me about his freedom of speech being impacted and his 15

  12. I have nothing to hide As secrets keep you Sick . Australia is slowly Dying .
    They have no one to blame but themselves. Sick People breed Sick People .
    The only way to get well is to be upfront and Honest .
    God Save us all Amen

  13. I Anna Collins Annie Oakley Bond . As I now have a Smart Watch. Have Nothing to Hide As I know Secrets Keep you Sick . Australia is Slowly Dying We have nobody to Blame but Ourselves .
    The only way to Save The World is to be upfront and Honest .

  14. I Anna have nothing to Hide . Australia is slowly Dying .We have only ourselves to blame . The only way to save us all is to get Honest Secrets Keep you SICK
