14 October 2018

An Act to create Australia's housing hidden time bomb and other purposes

When the colonialists settled this land they were amazed at how cheaply dwellings could be built in order to house humans inside them, with the added benefits of setting up 'shop' in NSW where the added expense of housing animals (the four legged variety) was not necessary due to the climate.

A niche industry has evolved in the last few years, where if one is contemplating to enter it, it would be of great benefit to stay away from a specific product.

The product in question is a type of housing being built, that being a dwelling built for the 'not for keeps' market, i.e. renters.

The mainstream media bugles that there is a housing shortage, where humans need affordable housing.

Well, how did 'we' get to such an inhumane level?

Well you see the people in government decided that what would be good for the 'economy' is to initiate a migrant 'invasion' on the good people of the country.

Let's look at Melbourne as an example.

An importation of approx. 2,500 humans per week has created many problems for the good residents, problems created by those in government.

Since there is not enough housing, a bonanza was created for the banks where the newly imported humans would be debt slaves to the banks for the fiat currency the banks trade with, an action supported by the 'Australian Government'. 

Let's put aside those pesky and unruly African youths (who ain't gonna be no 'debt slave' - at least they got that right, as they'll steal stuff - well they got that one wrong) in Melbourne's south-east, as the policemen and women are there in the parks protecting the (Queen's) peace...

or where the African youths are used as a distraction or even an excuse for another multi-million dollar police complex for Melbourne in order to enforce the police state on the 'good' people of Melbourne and its suburbs.

The problem with the lack of stock (houses) there is a shortage of builders and therefore certificates are literally being handed out akin to the back of a Corn Flakes packet to unskilled and dodgy now 'certified' so called builders.

These builders create dwellings that are of cheap quality and standards, usually many to one block of land, where the previously designed infrastructure was only made to cope with one 'family' home, that in itself another problem created by those in government.

Traffic congestion which is widely publicised in the mainstream media is a problem created by those in government as a result of their migration policy for Melbourne, a problem which is an assault on the family unit of the good people of the city.

More cars on the road, not only creates another cash cow for the people in government in the form of tax from fuel and registration, but also for the insurance (another fraudulent)  industry as well as the automotive repair industry from collisions by people who are given licences who may not necessarily have the skills or knowledge or even care factor to be in charge of a vehicle. 

So now apparently the buffoons in government who have created problems for the people of Melbourne have came up with a solution to tell the migrants to live in satellite towns.

Now that's not a very Commonwealthly law is it, but rather a very communistic (you know the baddies)  approach, like from China or somewhere.

Let's put aside official unemployment rate, as this figure is doctored, where with the importation of  migrant labour has cheapened the hourly rate of the workforce, where many Australian workers across many industries have been sacked to make way for the cheaper replacement.

A huge win for corporations, the likes of Telstra, Optus, the banking and finance industry just to name a few....

or not, as this whole article could be just a 'conspiracy theory', a nice piece of creative writing.

If the people in government have created conditions where job loss occurs to 'Australians' and as a result they are unable to feed their families, this is an assault on the family unit, an assault created by those in government.

Austerity is well on its way for the good people of Australia, where many choose not to see this.

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