25 October 2018

How health insurance corporations will discriminate against you

Australians are a pacified mob, something that has been worked on for 230 years, which for the colonialists is a great thing.

Australians are also early adopters, jumping head first into technology which may not necessarily be a great thing.

Only recently, since a few data breaches have made it to the public news media headlines, the general population have been made more aware of something called data collection.

Data collection is not only in digital format.

Another collection method which should be obvious is one through forms or literally paper work.

One of the most recent swindles of data collection to fall on the unsuspecting Australian general population occurred in 2016, when they were told they had to fill in the census form.

What people did not realise was they were not given any lawful directive by the Commissioner of the Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics to partake in data collection but rather were told to hand over their data to a business called the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS, with the ABN of 26 331 428 522), which also sold 'your' data for $41 million.

The next census will be in 2021, where again there will be no lawful directive to participate in.

[Electronic] data collection by government agencies has been occurring since day dot, where only recently retention has been mandated in law, in order to make it more legitimate when the data is to be used against your person.

One significant problem the people (especially Australians) face is that they are too eager to give up their personal, private and confidential data too easily, in the name of 'convenience', something that they may regret in the near future, when it will be too late.

In this instance we are not talking about smart phones, where data is transferred in the gigabytes (which the product oops sorry the 'customer' pays for)  to sources which are programmed within the apps or operating systems, but rather credit card data/information/purchases.

Since 'your' (whether it's actually yours or a company's is another topic altogether) data is sold and travels to places unknown to you, health insurance corporations also can obtain your credit card purchase history.

Looking into the foodstuffs you purchase, health insurance corporations can discriminate against you with regards health cover for illnesses or cancers which may or may not occur as a result of you ingesting those products.

The push for the cashless society is purely for the financial benefit of corporations and governments in order to more easily administer and control their tax slave population.

How easy it becomes for them depends on how much and how often you use cash.

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