03 October 2018

Royal commission into banking version 2?

So how did the Hayne Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry go for you?

Not that good? 

Only 27 examples got air time out of approx 9000 people who bothered to lodge an incident report with the commission.

How many people's homes / farms were taken unlawfully by the criminal cartel called the banks, the commission deliberately omitted?

You were told that the banks were greedy, something that you already did not know?

The CBA was only to be 'recommended' for charges and no CEO was actually incarcerated.

Did anyone tell you that the commission is inquisitorial and as a result not bound?

Now that the farce is over, do you think that Australia is ready for a real commission into banking etc?

Now when we say Australia do we mean the Australian people or the Australian Government, which are two different entities which have conflicting interests.

Are the Australian people ready for a 'real' commission into banking?

Most probably, a well overdue yes.

Is the Australian Government ready for a 'real' commission into banking?

Most definitely, let's "sweep this one under the carpet" scenario.

Asking the country's most organised white collar criminals to moderate the world's best criminal cartels really would not do 'justice' for the people would it?

Now, did someone say "justice"?

The courts are about equity, silly and not justice, ironically mentioned in the High Court case of Andrews v ANZ [2012].

IF there was a 'real' royal commission would it be using the Queen of Australia or the Monarch of the U.K.?

After all, the 'Queen of Australia' is not really a 'royal' is it?

Would one put questions using the terms fiat currency, or promissory notes?

Would one look into the country's biggest bank heist in history, that being the Commonwealth Bank?

No, not the bank being robbed silly, the people being robbed of 'their' bank.

Now, EVERY Australian 'person' should know that all laws are subject to a law called the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK), right?

So, the privatisation of the people's bank was done lawfully in line with the 'constitution' with the Commonwealth Banks Restructuring Act from 1990?

All the checks and balances were adhered to?

So many questions for a never to exist 'real' royal commission to answer to.

Australia: You're standing in a pile of it.

Note: We do not support the action of keeping 'your' cash in a bank.

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