24 November 2018

LGBTI marriage keeping the 'wheels of industry' turning

Australia is a really funny* (penal) colony, where the people in government have been misbehaving for quite some time and the imperial government had enough of the rouge colonialists in power and installed the Colonial Laws Validity Act in 1865.

Not much has changed since then in terms of the people in government still misbehaving, except that now the Aussie plebs have the ability to publish words with the help of an undersea cable rolled out in the 1800's to the rest of the world, via this government monitored medium called the interwebs.

In any event, marriage is an ancient ecclesiastical affair, between man and woman for the purpose of breeding.

It would suffice to say that 'marriage' between man and man, or woman and woman, or maybe between woman and train station is not very Abrahamic (you know the three main religions).

Apparently in Australia, we're supposed to uphold the words of the King James bible, as this is what one swears by if one's arse is hauled into a court, or maybe even any other set of books written for whatever one's religious belief is, whether it's a man with an elephant's head or an extraterrestrial being.

Nowadays, one law that men and women actually sign subservience to is the Marriage Act of 1961, also acknowledging under Section 5A of that law, Chapter 2 of the Criminal Code.

See Marriage Act 1961 at:

So, how many young Australian men and women setting out into this big bad world, after staring into each other's eyes decide to get married for breeding purposes, go off into the sunset reading the Marriage Act of 1961, before they sign subservience to it?

While newly created 'human rights' may allow you to marry someone of the same gender, the rights of man are much higher than that of a human, but that's another topic outside the scope of this post.

If you think that the people in government care about what your homosexual arse marries, then you're sadly mistaken, where it's more of a business to them.

See article: Millions for LGBTI tourism and culture

If some boffin in the annals of government discovered that big bucks could be made from buggery, it would be legalised.

Now, now let's not get ahead of ourselves in saying that this post is homophobic, as no one here is scared of homosexuals.

Australia: The 'lucky' penal colony.

*- not haha but rather WTF

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